Protected cropping system boosts Fiji farmer’s productivity

For more than a decade, Emosi Ravato and his fellow farmers along the fertile Sigatoka valley have toiled the land to meet the burgeoning demand for vegetable crops in Fiji. “I come from a family of sugarcane farmers,” he says. “But I made the switch to…

UK Government supports Pacific island progress on Extended Continental Shelf submissions

The UK Government has signed an agreement with the Pacific Community (SPC) for GBP 263,000 that will help Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and Tonga to secure the rights and responsibilities over their respective ocean spaces. The ocean sustains a…

Remarks by the President of Fiji His Excellency Major General (Ret’d) Jioji Konrote, the President of Fiji at the Opening of the Seventh Regional Meeting of Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services

·     The Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry; ·     The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and other development partners ·     The Pacific Community (SPC), Pacific…

Remarks by SPC DDG Dr Paula Vivili at the Opening of the Seventh Regional Meeting of Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services

Your Excellency, President of Fiji, our hosts, the Government of Fiji, the FAO Subregional Coordinator for the Pacific Islands, Heads of Agriculture and Forestry, esteemed colleagues, partners, and friends.  It is my great…

Remarks by SPC DDG Dr Paula Vivili at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Regional Working Group on the Implementation of Domestic Violence Legislation

Virtual greetings to all the Regional Working Group members, observers, the Secretariat, ladies and gentlemen. 

A Pacific regional approach to implementing domestic violence legislation

In August 2012, Pacific Leaders issued a declaration expressing their concern that progress in the region towards gender equality was slow.

International Youth Day: Critical role youth play in strengthening Pacific's food systems

Today we celebrate International Youth Day, the theme this year is, “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”. Pacific youth play a critical role in food systems at all levels – from production through to their role as…

International Youth Day 2021

Theme: “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health” The theme of International Youth Day 2021 is, “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”, with the aim of highlighting that the success…

Microbiology training to strengthen AMR Surveillance & Control & shipping of infectious substances training

​Microbiology Training to Strengthen AMR Surveillance and Control and IPC in Fiji (Labasa): 03 – 14 August 2020

Quality surveillance and laboratory services at the heart of Pacific health strategies

Strengthening public health laboratory services is crucial to ensure timely, accurate and reliable diagnosis of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The Pacific is now in a pandemic that requires diligent and reliable COVID-19 surveillance and…
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