20th Maritime Boundaries Working Session and High-Level Dialogue

September 29th-30th - Maritime Boundaries Virtual Working Session Launch November 16th-17th - Maritime Boundaries High-level Dialogue​ ​

Women in Fiji farm the future with oysters

How do you strengthen a country’s food systems while supporting its post-COVID-19 economic recovery and mitigating the impacts of climate change? The women of Muanaira in Fiji have a simple answer: farm oysters! This story is part of a series dedicated…

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Gets Global Boost at Organic World Gathering

Julie Uka in her organic garden in the Cook Islands. New ground in the international organic movement was broken at the 2021 IFOAM Organic International General Assembly on September 14 with the official passing of a motion to add Gender Equality…

Literacy Day - What is literacy?

In Pacific Education, literacy is defined as “the knowledge and skills necessary to empower a person to communicate through any form of language in their society and the wider world, with respect to all aspects of everyday life.”

Climate change and food systems top Pacific agriculture and forestry leaders’ agenda in the lead-up to UN food summit

As with many regions in the world, the Pacific has experienced a challenging 18 months since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in early 2020.  With Pacific countries and territories such as Fiji and French Polynesia currently experiencing serious…

Mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping of Food Systems: Supporting Access to Timely and Open Data in the Pacific

Photo: Latest dashboard from COVID-19 mVAM Survey of Containment Areas in Fiji (August 2021) - WFP Timely access to reliable data on food security is vital for decision making in times of crisis, especially for the Pacific in the context of the…

Armed with a new training manual, Pacific farmers look to control deadly coconut rhinoceros beetle infestations

The Pacific has been battling the spread of the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles (CRB) for years and is now challenged by the invasion of a new CRB biotype, the CRB-Guam strain, that has spread to seven Pacific Island countries in just a decade leaving…

NCD preventive policies and legislations update

Part 1: What we should know about NCD preventive policies and legislations Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in the Pacific region accounting for 60 to 75% of mortalities. The Pacific Community’s (SPC) NCD programme…

Pacific agriculture and forestry leaders eye progress post Covid-19

The Pacific Agriculture and Forestry leaders held a critical meeting last week in which they committed new energy and focus to the region’s stretched agriculture and forestry sectors and pledged to support the sustainability of communities region-…

Stewards of our Blue Pacific: Pacific Early Career Ocean Professionals   

“We are ocean people, birthed by our mother, the one Blue Pacific Ocean that connects us.”    On June 1 ,2021 the world celebrated a Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional (V. ECOP) Day facilitated and…
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