What happens when the money runs out

Marlene Dutta. Picture: RNZ 08/07/2021 By: Ariela Zibiah The Fiji Times The impact of prolonged unemployment is beginning to show in how Fijians are utilising the social media platform-based Barter for a Better Fiji (BBF), group founder Marlene Dutta…

Youths want a say in climate fight

RIGHT: Children look out to sea while standing on a sea wall in Betio town, South Tarawa, Kiribati. LEFT: Child advocate on DRR and climate change adaptation Tokasa Senibiau. Picture: SUPPLIED 08/07/2021 By: Ariela Zibiah The Fiji Times Pacific youth…

Be prepared – Resilience building

The villagers of Nakabuta in Nadroga. Picture: SUPPLIED 06/07/2021 By: Ariela Zibiah The Fiji Times, Fiji Advancing resilience: be interested The Fijian village of Nakabuta is renowned in the field of archaeology as a group of people that continue to…

Pacific media urged to highlight gender resilience

06/07/2021 By: Elenoa Turagaiviu FBC News, Fiji There is a lot more that the Pacific Media can do to adequately tell of Pacific resilience in the face of disasters says FEMLink Pacific. Speaking at the Pacific Resilience Meeting Media Masterclass,…

Resilience starts at home and it starts with us: Tuvalu PM

06/07/2021 By: Elenoa Turagaiviu FBC News, Fiji A call has been made for Pacific people to engage and be involved in elevating resilient actions from our homes to the globe for the future of our planet and all of humanity. The call was made by Tuvalu’s…

Traditional resilience accelerates recovery in Bua communities

07/07/2021 By Elenoa Turagaiviu FBC News Traditional resilience systems helped accelerate recovery efforts in communities in Bua after the successive tropical cyclones of Yasa and Ana. Speaking at the Pacific Resilience Meeting plenary on ‘The Shift to…

Drue : le village pris entre le marteau et l'enclume

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Drue: The village caught between a rock and a hard place In the remote village of Drue on the Fijian island of Kadavu, the locals face a life-changing decision: to remain at the mercy of the rising ocean…

Réunion sur la résilience du Pacifique 2021 : Nos employés, notre parcours - nourrir la résilience du Pacifique depuis chez soi

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Pacific Resilience Meeting 2021: Our people, our journey: Nurturing Pacific Resilience from Home This week the Pacific Community (SPC), together with development partners, will host the biennial Pacific…

Une alliance intelligente face au climat proposée lors du dialogue sur les systèmes alimentaires du Pacifique

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Climate smart alliance proposed at Pacific food systems dialogue As millions of farmers regionally and globally struggle to overcome the impacts of a global health crisis, economic slowdown, and unprecedented…

Allocution du Dr Paula Vivili lors du Dialogue du Pacifique sur les systèmes alimentaires régionaux pour l'agriculture intelligente face au climat

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Remarks by SPC DDG, Dr Paula Vivili at the Pacific Climate Smart Agriculture Regional Food Systems Dialogue STATEMENT BY DR VIVILI DELIVERED AT OPENING CEREMONY OF THE PACIFIC CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE…
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