SPC is committed to openness and transparency. As part of that commitment, SPC makes available online its key governance documents, policies and guidelines.
Human resources
In addition, SPC makes available the documents from its governing body meeting in the Digital Library.
SPC staff are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards, as are SPC’s contractors. SPC has established an internal audit function that reports to SPC’s Audit and Risk Committee.
As a demonstration of its commitment to these practices, SPC has established a mechanism for the public to report any misconduct, abuse of authority or any form of wrong-doing by individuals working for SPC or contracted by SPC.
In particular, people may choose to:
- lodge a bidder or applicant protest, under SPC's Procurement policy or Grants Policy
- report allegations of potential misconduct an SPC staff member or contractor including fraud, corruption, discrimination, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, violence, domestic violence, child and vulnerable adult protection, under Chapter XI Work culture and behaviours, Manual of Staff Policies
- raise a grievance about an SPC project and its impact on an affected community or natural environment, under SPC’s Social and Environmental Policy
- make a complaint under SPC’s Privacy Policy.
SPC staff and vendors who are ‘whistle-blowers’ are protected from retaliation under SPC’s Protection against Retaliation framework (Chapter XI, Part A, Section 5, Manual of Staff Policies)
Investigations will be carried out under Chapter XII Investigations and disciplinary actions, Manual of Staff Policies.
All allegations of fraud are reported to SPC’s Audit and Risk Committee.
Mission and Vision statements
The Internal Audit and Risk (IAR)’s mission is to enhance and protect organisational value by providing risk-based, objective assurance, advice, and insight. The vision is to add value to SPC operations, the member states, and the donors through effective timely and proactive assurance and advisory work. As well as by being a forward-looking function that prompts awareness of what could go wrong and what to do about it before risks materialise.
About the IAR
The IAR is an independent support service that provides an independent, systematic, and objective approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the organization’s internal controls, risk management and governance processes. It reports to the Audit and Risk Committee.
It is an integral part of SPC's governance framework to add value and improve SPC's operations. IAR work is carried out under the Internal Audit Charter in line with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) International Professional Practices Framework.
A bidder involved in an SPC procurement process may lodge a protest if they considers they were not treated fairly, or that SPC failed to properly follow the requirements of the Procurement policy.
To lodge a protest, you can email [email protected]. Your protest will need to include:
- your full contact details
- the details of the relevant procurement
- the reasons for your protest, including how the alleged behaviour negatively impacted on your bid
- copies of any documents supporting your grounds for protest
- the relief that is sought.
Your protest will be recorded and will be acknowledged promptly. You may be contacted to provide more information. An impartial and independent staff member uninvolved in the original procurement process will be nominated to investigate your protest.
Your protest will be received in good faith and will not impact your involvement in future bids.
To report allegations of potential misconduct by an SPC staff member or contractor including fraud, corruption, discrimination, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, violence, domestic violence, child and vulnerable adult protection you can email [email protected].
Your report should contain as much information as possible to enable an investigation of the complaint and include
- information about the alleged act of fraud, corruption or misconduct
- when, where and how the alleged act occurred
- who was involved, in or, may have knowledge of, the act
- any documents, evidence, or details of witnesses that may support your allegations.
Your complaint will be recorded and acknowledged promptly. You may be contacted to provide further information. SPC will then determine whether to initiate an investigation under Chapter XII Investigations and disciplinary actions, Manual of Staff Policies.
SPC is committed to receiving any grievances from an affected community or community member, about the implementation of any SPC project, including with respect to perceived negative environmental or social impacts of such projects.
To submit a grievance to SPC, please follow the instructions contained in the SPC Grievance Mechanism information document, including on how to submit a Grievance Submission Form in English or French to [email protected].
SPC will receive and acknowledge your complaint. You may be contacted for further information to help us understand your concerns. Your grievance will be considered and recommendations made to senior management about a potential action plan.
SPC is committed to ethically and sustainably managing social and environmental risks and impacts of all its activities in an inclusive manner, with a people-centred approach so as to maximise whole-of-society benefits. Consequently, SPC provides information in a timely and effective manner on measures it is taking to mitigate such risks. Please see SPC’s disclosure of relevant ESS measures here.