As the Pacific marks World Soil Day, let’s not forget the ground beneath us

Soil is an invaluable resource for any country because it provides ecosystem services critical for life and the medium for supporting food production, either directly or indirectly. World Soil Day on December 5 provides us the opportunity to recognize…

Pacific Organic Farmers move to develop national organic policies

Vegetable farmers working in Tagabe Agricultural Farm in Vanuatu. In a call for support of organics in the region, Pacific organic farmers and farmer organisations agreed on strengthening organic practices through the Regional Organic Policy Development…

Dr Michelle Belisle, Director of the Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) , SPC, Opening Remarks at Regional Education Finance Data Virtual Workshop

Hello everyone, it is indeed a great pleasure for me to welcome all of you, education statistics & finance officers and Senior Officials of Education to our annual Pacific regional workshop on Education Statistics. I will first take…

Bartering through the pandemic in Fiji

This story was put together using presentations from this year’s Pacific Resilience Meeting that focussed on the theme ‘Our people, our journey: nurturing Pacific resilience from home’. This biennial meeting was hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC) and…

New training for Pacific public health laboratory staff will help region now and in the future  

The Pacific COVID experience has shown that laboratory services to help identify health security risks and provide timely, accurate and reliable diagnosis of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, needs to be strengthened. In support of this…

Pacific Animal Health and Production Framework to guide para-vets in the region

A first ever framework to help strengthen animal health and production systems in the region was developed by the Pacific Community (SPC), through national and regional consultations with stakeholders. The Pacific Animal Health and Production Framework…

Dr Paula Vivili, Deputy Director General, Pacific Community (SPC), Closing Remarks at Pacific Maritime Boundaries High Level Dialogue Virtual Event

Excellencies, senior officials representing Pacific member states  Pacific Island Maritime Boundary Consortium Partners  Partners, SPC colleagues, ladies and gentlemen 

Soil is more than dirt for Atoll farmers

To help improve farming practices and to strengthen resilience in the face of the current changing weather patterns, the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division (LRD) has invested in conducting soil and crop management trainings for farmers across…

Fiji Independence Day

Pacific nurses gaining new skills and certifications thanks to critical care training program: Profile Series

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these…
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