Our Suva Regional Office in Fiji's capital serves as an important regional hub for our organisation. It houses some 300 staff, including our Deputy Director-General (Suva). It comprises five sites in the city centre, Nabua and Narere.
Our Suva Regional Office is the base for the following divisions and programmes: Economic Development Division, Educational and Quality Assessment Programme, Geoscience Division, Land Resources Division, Regional Rights Resource Team and Social Development Programme.
It also includes various corporate support services teams: Communications and Public Information; Finance; Human Resources, Information Services; and Strategy, Performance and Learning.
Our Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) at Narere is the region’s only internationally-recognised gene bank. This site features laboratories and an outdoor plant propagation area. The centre plays a vital role in conserving the world’s largest taro and aroid collections and disseminating improved crop varieties globally.
Suva Regional Office
Address: Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +679 337 0733