Satellite technology and digital tools help quantify climate change impact and drive solutions to the world’s greatest challenges

Click to watch the complete session - Global lessons in using satellite technology and digital tools for improved decision making across the Pacific region  

Pacific lends new voice to worldwide organic farming movement

A farm in Tahiti with membership in Bio Fetia, POETCom’s focal point in French Polynesia. The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division (LRD) Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) initiative today announced a new platform that…

Pacific nurses gaining new skills and certifications thanks to critical care training program

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these…

What do the statistics tell us about the impacts of the COVID-19 on PICT economies

A new paper by SPC Statistics Advisor-Strategic Planning Monitoring Analysis, Elizabeth Ragimana and SPC Data Analysis and Dissemination Manager, David Abbott reveals how almost eighteen months on since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide,…

New agreement puts spotlight on managing deadly mosquito born viral disease epidemics in the Pacific

Disease epidemics from viruses spread by mosquitoes are happening more often across the Pacific region with 96 outbreaks (69 dengue outbreaks, 12 Zika virus and 15 Chikungunya) reported between January 2012 and May 2021.  In response to this…

Pacific Islanders weave traditional knowledge to modern science during a virtual journey on Pacific currents

The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) recently convened a virtual event titled Vaka Moana – Weaving Traditional and Modern Science to Understand Current and Future Ocean Conditions. Participants were invited to sail across the region,…

Remarks by Dr Andrew Jones, Director Geoscience, Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division SPC at the opening of the 20th Maritime Boundaries Working Session: securing our Blue Pacific region for future generations 

Ni sa bula Vinaka and good morning colleagues and friends. 

Identifying groundwater sources on Fiji’s Kia Island

Although it is composed of 98 per cent ocean, the Pacific is one of the world’s regions where availability of freshwater supplies is the most challenging.

USAID and Pacific Community (SPC) Launch PROJECT Governance

To strengthen local communities efforts to foster consensus and inclusion, inspire ownership and draw on local understanding of governance in the Pacific, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Pacific Community (SPC)…

20th Maritime Boundaries Working Session and High-Level Dialogue

September 29th-30th - Maritime Boundaries Virtual Working Session Launch November 16th-17th - Maritime Boundaries High-level Dialogue​ In light of the COVID19 pandemic and regional travel restrictions, the 20th Pacific Maritime Boundaries…
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