Stat of the week: cumulative cases of COVID-19 in 11 Pacific Island Countries and Territories

There have been 67,420 cumulative cases of COVID-19 in 11 Pacific Island Countries and Territories as of 22 July 2021, with 86% reported in 3 countries (Fiji, French Polynesia and Papua New Guinea).

Pacific Organic Farmers Sow Innovative Seeds into Agritourism

Io Vakapora's  organic produce from his farm. A regional talaloa session held last week, highlighted the new opportunities created by Pacific organic farmers using innovative approaches to lessen the economic and social effects of the…

New project to enhance cultural and creative industries in the Pacific

A new project aimed at increasing capacity and sustainability of cultural and creative industry initiatives in national economies has been recently launched by the African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) – European Union Programme.

Remarks by SPC DDG Dr Paula Vivili at the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Training

STATEMENT BY DR PAULA VIVILI DELIVERED AT OPENING OF THE  POST DISASTER NEEDS ASSESSMENT TRAINING  VIRTUAL MEETING  19 JULY 2021   Minister for Rural, Maritime Development and Disaster Management, and Minister for Defence,…

More ventilators to support Pacific’s growing COVID-19 patients

Last month, the Pacific Community (SPC) supplied 20 Hamilton ventilators to 11 Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs). These ventilators will enable PICTs to manage critically ill patients that need respiratory care. PICTs receiving these…

Agritourism Webinar Series

​This month's Agritourism Experiences Webinar series is scheduled for 21 July and will convene critical stakeholders, including government officials, experts from the Pacific Community (SPC) and community-based agriculturists. The Talanoa session will…

PILNA rescheduled to November, following overwhelming support from Pacific’s education leaders

EQAP’s numeracy specialist Seru Ramakita conducts a coding workshop with Vanuatu officials earlier in the year. Preparations for the main study, which include coding workshops, have been ongoing despite restrictions in Fiji caused by COVID-19. …

2nd Pacific Resilience Meeting: Chair's Summary

This 2nd Pacific Resilience Meeting has once again brought together a cross section of partners from government, the private sector, civil society organisations, development agencies, local/ national/ regional and international organisations, youth and…

What happens when the money runs out

Marlene Dutta. Picture: RNZ 08/07/2021 By: Ariela Zibiah The Fiji Times The impact of prolonged unemployment is beginning to show in how Fijians are utilising the social media platform-based Barter for a Better Fiji (BBF), group founder Marlene Dutta…

Youths want a say in climate fight

RIGHT: Children look out to sea while standing on a sea wall in Betio town, South Tarawa, Kiribati. LEFT: Child advocate on DRR and climate change adaptation Tokasa Senibiau. Picture: SUPPLIED 08/07/2021 By: Ariela Zibiah The Fiji Times Pacific youth…
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