Our blue pacific food systems: Land and sea

In 2021, the Pacific Food Systems Dialogue brought together governments, NGOs, scientists and researchers, and community representatives from across the Pacific. The aim of the 2021 Dialogue was to produce recommendations for a set of game changing…

Stat of the week: It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019

It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019.  Did you know? Pulses are important crops for: Nutritional value Food security Environmental benefits For more information on Pulses Day, visit the…

"I grew up surrounded by flowers and crops. Now I run the largest plant gene bank in the Pacific"

SPC'S Data Food Systems Portal

Food systems thinking is essential to address the food and nutrition security challenge for Pacific countries and territories. In simple terms, a food system is that set of interacting elements and outcomes that describe the production, processing, trade…

World Food Day: Tonga taps tradition and the Pacific’s Tree of Life to feed communities and secure livelihoods

As the global community celebrates World Food Day 2021 on October 16 with the theme of “our actions are our future”, one project in Tonga is ensuring the future of local communities by building on the harvest of traditional food through youth.

Building the future of Pacific Food Systems

The Food Systems Summit held on September 23 in New York was an opportunity for the world to come together to find solutions to one of the major challenges of our generation: transforming the systems that make it possible to produce and consume food in a…

Securing the future with traditional knowledge

In Tonga, community elders are passing down the ancient art of carving canoes to help the youth build sustainable livelihoods. Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate Communications Office

Passing on farming traditions to protect food systems

In Tonga, a local organization is setting up organic farming projects to enable young people to learn from elders how to generate some revenue while protecting the country's food systems.   Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate…

A glimpse into the Pacific food systems

  Discover the specificities of food systems in the Pacific region, why they are particularly fragile, and the role of the island communities in protecting them. Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate Communications Office

Pacific Food Systems

The future of food and food systems in the Pacific will play a key role in supporting the region, the planet’s recovery and revival from COVID-19, and the long-term health, resilience and prosperity of the Pacific people. The first United Nations Food…
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