Stat of the week: Adults in Samoa have a low number of deposit accounts with commercial banks

Adults in Samoa have a low number of deposit accounts with commercial banks, at 21 per 1,000 adults. Banks remain a key institution for access to formal financial services.  

Stat of the week: 6.94% of household expenditure in Niue is on alcoholic beverages

Did you know? On average, 6.94% of household expenditure in Niue is on alcoholic beverages. According to the World Health Organization, 56% of alcohol consumption is beer. 

Data and the digital economy – the key to inclusive and sustainable digital development?

The Pacific Data Hub’s latest Community of Practice talanoa, held in partnership with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) concentrated on the role of data in today’s digital economy.

Stat of the week: Imports of fuel equivalent to 13% of Palau’s GDP

Palau's total fuel import (as a % of GDP). It's the highest share in the Pacific and means Palau has had to absorb the increased oil price since April 2020.

Stat of the week: the US Dollar is the national currency of 6 Pacific countries and territories

Did you know? the US Dollar is the national currency of 6 of the 22 Pacific countries and territories. American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau are these countries. The figure shows…

Stat of the week: 68.9% of Fiji's population used the internet in 2018

Did you know? The number of internet users per 100 inhabitants in Fiji is estimated to have more than doubled between 2012 and 2018, from 33.7 to 68.9. The indicator proportion of individuals using the Internet is defined as the proportion of…

Stat of the week: 1.6% of household expenditure in the Cook Islands is spent on Recreation and Culture

On average, 1.6% of household expenditure in the Cook Islands is spent on Recreation and Culture. Did you know? Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (HIES)s provide information on people’s living conditions and income/expenditure patterns. Data from…

Stat of the week: $2,230 is the average price per metric tonne for coconut oil

Did you know? In the Pacific, coconut is king. It helps drive many Pacific economies that rely on it and its oil.  In March 2022, the average price per metric tonne for coconut oil peaked at US$2,230. In April 2022, the price dropped slightly to US…

Population Dashboard for all Pacific Island Countries and Territories now available on Pacific Data Hub

Photo: Women from Nguna Island, Vanuatu - Credit: UN Women Asia and the Pacific/ Nicky Kuautonga/ Flickr    

Stat of the week: 53% of Papua New Guinea's total final energy consumption comes from renewable sources

Did you know? 53% of Papua New Guinea's total final energy consumption comes from renewable sources.    
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