Stat of the week: Tokelau has three health facilities for 1,647 people (TNSO, 2019)

Tokelau has three health facilities for 1,647 people (TNSO, 2019). That is approximately 1.8 health facilities per 1000 inhabitants. These facilities are located in the three main areas: Anafu, Fakaofo, and Nukunonu. We count an average of 35 Health…

Stat of the week: In Northern Mariana Islands, the generation of municipal solid waste is 2.6kg per capita in 2019

In Northern Mariana Islands, the generation of municipal solid waste is 2.6kg per capita in 2019. This is the highest figure reported in the Pacific. By 2050, it is projected that waste generation per capita for all income groups will have increased,…

Enhancing Climate Action at COP27

On the road to COP 27... Egypt's COP27 presidency vision is to move from negotiations and planning to implementation. Now is the time for action on the ground. It is therefore incumbent upon us to move rapidly towards full, timely, inclusive, and at-…

Stat of the week: In Samoa, 99.4% of primary schools have access to computers for pedagogical purposes in 2020

In Samoa, 99.4% of primary schools have access to computers for pedagogical purposes in 2020 (13.8% in 2017). This access to technology at school is important because it decreases the digital divide between pupils. To learn more about Education…

Dashboard: Pacific Statistical/economic briefing dashboard, COVID-19 economic impacts updates, Q1 2022

The Pacific Statistical/Economic Briefing newly established dashboard summarises the latest available information on the leading economic indicators for the Covid-19 Economic impacts in the first quarter of 2022.

Rugby, household surveys and COVID-19

The Fiji Rugby Sevens Team continued to excel since the onset of COVID-19 - they won the 2020 Olympics, the World Rugby Sevens Series and are currently ranked 3rd in the world.  At the same time, the Pacific National Statistics Offices have…

Stat of the week: In 100g of raw Coconut flesh there is 1,000 kJ of Energy

The 16 October is World food day on the theme "Leave no one behind: Better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life." Did you know? In 100g of raw Coconut flesh there is 1,000 kJ of Energy. It's 271 for a Mango.

The relevance of Statistical Classifications for PICTs

For the compilation of statistics data needs to be organised into homogenous groups with common characteristics. Statistical classifications facilitate this; they form the basis for the production of reliable and methodologically sound statistics to…

Stat of the week: In Vanuatu, 0.26% of the Population have memory disabilities

Photo Credit: Graham Crumb/   Did you know? 10 October is World Mental Health Day on the theme "Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority".

Pacific Data Hub Talanoa: The Power of Data Visualisation

The second Pacific Data Community of Practice Talanoa Session for 2022 is themed “The Power of Data Visualisation” and will explore the crucial role data visualisation plays in our everyday lives.  We invite you join us for a Pacific Talanoa* on…
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