Leaders endorse region’s first Pacific-led agriculture and forestry strategy


Pacific agriculture and forestry leaders convened for the Ninth Regional Meeting of Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (PHOAFS) from 15-17 May 2024 for vigorous discussions and deliberations surrounding the Pacific region’s leading priorities in agriculture and forestry.

The Government of Tonga hosted the meeting virtually, supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Pacific Community (SPC). The theme was ‘Bio-Diversification via Green and Low-Carbon Agriculture & Forestry’.

This year’s meeting considered and endorsed the region’s first Pacific-led regional agriculture and forestry strategy, Growing the Pacific – 2050 Strategy for Pacific Agriculture and Forestry, envisioning a healthy, regenerative and secure Pacific alongside the Regional Research Agenda for Agriculture and Forestry focusing on climate resilient crops to test Pacific collaborative research approaches.

In his opening remarks, the outgoing Chair and Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways of Fiji, Dr Andrew Tukana, said our combined voices and efforts as a region enabled a more robust and sustainable future for our agriculture and forestry sectors.

The Pacific Heads meeting has proven to be valuable for our Pacific Island nations, to share experiences and discuss common challenges and priorities, allowing for better coordination and partnerships. This regional approach ensures that our already limited resources in the region are utilised at optimum levels.”


Incoming Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of Tonga, Dr Viliami Toalei Manu, said in his opening remarks that strengthening regional structures and focus would further support the work that countries hoped to continue to reinvigorate their respective agriculture and forestry sectors.

This platform allows us to come together, to build partnerships and to plan as a region a revigorated and rejuvenated Pacific agriculture and forestry sector, which is the backbone of our Pacific countries. Today, we will be holding opportunities and solutions to counter the challenges that the sector is facing by utilising tools on national and regional levels to foster holistic and sustainable actions. We have here an opportunity over the coming days to guide the agriculture and forestry agenda for partners to work together and coordinate their work plans and be more responsive to our needs as a region.”

This year’s meeting also covered supporting data-driven food systems planning through the online pilot Agri-food Systems and Climate Explorer including strengthening food systems coordination.

Additionally, the meeting also noted presentations on the progress made on the implementation of regional services and public goods such as the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) and Digital Earth Pacific (DEP) including reports and recommendations from technical bodies and networks such as Pacific Plant Protection Organisation (PPPO), Pacific Heads of Veterinary and Animal Production Services (PHOVAPS), Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN), Pacific Forestry Professionals Network, Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) and One Health.

Furthermore, the meeting took a technical deep dive into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agriculture workstream and invasive species management. The final day of the meeting looked towards countries’ highlights and priorities.

Officer in Charge of the FAO Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands, Mr Joseph Nyemah, said that in a time of rapid change with many global and regional challenges to achieving the 2030 Agenda, FAO remains committed to providing its technical expertise.

FAO will continue to mobilise capacity and expertise in key areas such as agrifood systems transformation, food and nutrition security, the blue economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster risk reduction and resilience in order to support the UN and CROP collective action in the Pacific Island countries.”

SPC’s Land Resources Division Director, Ms Karen Mapusua, thanked the heads for their active support and engagement with the various technical networks, which was critical in ensuring national priorities drove SPC’s work and where regional initiatives remained relevant.

We all recognise that our region and our people face challenges, but we are encouraged by the level of aspiration and ambition you have and the strength-based approach you have taken, recognising that as a region, we can rise above these challenges by working together from a position of strength - as a collective.”

The 10th PHOAFS meeting will be held in Tonga in 2025.

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Land Resources
PAPGREN (Outreach)
CePaCT (Genebank)
PAPGREN (Outreach)
CePaCT (Genebank)
Land Resources
Media Release
Media Release
Heads of Pacific Agriculture and Forestry (HOAFs)
Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT)
Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN)
Heads of Pacific Agriculture and Forestry (HOAFs)
Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT)
Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN)