The ‘hidden’ health danger of climate change

A Public Lecture by the Director-General of the Pacific Community by DR COLIN TUKUITONGA

Research in Focus - Meet Albert: Chasing biodata and muscle gains

Fijian farmers better equipped for sustainable agriculture

Collaborative effort to harness volcanic aquifers for sustainable water solutions in the Pacific

Recognising the need to tackle critical water management challenges for the region’s growing development needs and rising demand, three Pacific Island countries are teaming up to develop an innova

New UK-Pacific partnership to boost maritime security and ocean management

The UK Government and the Pacific Community (SPC) are pleased to announce the signing of a three-year £2.4 million (FJ$5.4 million) funding agreement for the Integrated Ocean Management and Maritime Governanc

Fijian farmers receive comprehensive training in agroecological agriculture

Two female and six male farmers are at the Mudrenicagi Organic Learning Farm Centre in Fiji this week, currently under

Pacific science body welcomes global maritime ruling as a win for science and the Blue Pacific region

Leaders endorse region’s first Pacific-led agriculture and forestry strategy

Pacific agriculture and forestry leaders convened for the Ninth Regional Meeting of Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (PHOAFS) from 15-17 May 2024 for vigorous discussions and

Closing Remarks by SPC's Land Resources Division Director, Ms Karen Mapusua at the 9th Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services meeting

Talofa lava, Malo e lelei

Development of the Pacific’s first regional science assessment underway

The Pacific Assessment for Lower Secondary (PALS) Science Capacity Building workshop not only focussed on the preparation of the PALS second pilot but also paved a pathway for the region’s firs
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