Leaders endorse region’s first Pacific-led agriculture and forestry strategy

Pacific agriculture and forestry leaders convened for the Ninth Regional Meeting of Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (PHOAFS) from 15-17 May 2024 for vigorous discussions and

Read the Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network meeting opening remarks by SPC's Land Resources Division Director Karen Mapusua

The Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN) is meeting this week in Pacific Harbor, Fiji, to finalise the PAPGREN Charter and Pacific Seed Systems Roadmap and update the region on Plant Genetic Resources conservation to set out its…

Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN) looks to strengthen conservation and use of plant genetic resources

The Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN) has been formalised to strengthen its role in the Pacific in the conservation and use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. The network, under the auspices of the UN FAO…

Recognition for efforts to halt biodiversity loss in Pacific

Efforts by the Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN) and the Pacific Community (SPC) to conserve genetic material and halt the loss of biodiversity have been recognised at regional consultations organised by the Food and…
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