Mapping traditional knowledge: a key tool for agriculture in New Caledonia and Wallis & Futuna

Research conducted in New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna into mapping traditional knowledge has underscored the crucial role that knowledge circulation plays in strengthening agricultural resilience to climate change. By mapping the networks through…

Stat of the week: In 2022, 13% of the population of Wallis and Futuna was aged 65 and over

With the 29th International Day of Care and Support this week, we highlight the situation of the elderly in the Pacific, particularly in Wallis and Futuna.In 2022, 13% of the population of Wallis and Futuna was aged 65 and over; this figure is projected…

Stat of the week: In 2018, Wallis & Futuna imported over 5,459 tonnes of food and beverages

 In 2018, Wallis & Futuna imported over 5,459 tonnes of food and beverages, including approximately 1,500 tonnes of beverages, spirits and vinegar. 

CePaCT genebank field collection and lab training in Wallis & Futuna

PGCFE Module course (Wallis & Futuna)

​In country training for the Post Graduate Certificate in Field Epidemiology. Funded by through DFAT through the Pac-EVIPP and EU PPHSN. 

Pacific Overseas Countries and Territories meet to improve management of health risks to drinking water supplies

Les 11 et 12 mars 2024, un atelier régional sur l’alimentation en eau potable a été co-organisé à Tahiti, par la Polynésie française et le projet PROTEGE financé par l’Union européenne et mise en œuvre par la Communauté du Pacifique (CPS). Suite à cet…

Bastille Day 2024

Zoom on the partnership between the international organisation of the Francophonie and SPC

This story was originally published on OIF website. (Content available in French only)

Stat of the week: In Wallis and Futuna, 100% of births are registered within 12 months

In Wallis and Futuna, 100% of births are registered within 12 months. Reliably estimating completeness of birth and death registration is central to achieving targets in the Sustainable Development Goals aiming for universal birth registration and…

Stat of the week: French is spoken in 4 Pacific Island Countries and Territories

Did you know? In the region, French is spoken in 4 Pacific Island Countries and Territories: French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Wallis & Futuna. 20th March is French Language Day. French is spoken by more than 300 million people. (Source:…
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