Green News: Let's not waste water, let's protect it

Did you know that a tap left open will produce nearly 20,000 Liters/day? This is the daily consumption of 70 families of 4 people.

Escape Game during the "Fishing Fridays" in Wallis and Futuna

(available in French only)

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific  

Polynesia Regional Office

Sharing experiences between Wallis and Futuna and New Caledonia

(available in French only) Coopération régionale sur le thème Pêche côtière et aquaculture PROTEGE La coopération régionale bat son plein entre Wallis et Futuna et la Nouvelle-Calédonie dans le thème de la pêche. Lotolelei MANUFEKAI, technicienne de…

Water for the children of Futuna

A dream come true "On Futuna, the water is not safe to drink. While there are still problems for the whole community to have access to safe drinking water, at least our children will be able to drink clean water at school and work under better conditions…

PROTEGE: A network of agroecology demonstration farms in the Pacific OCTs

The EDF-11-funded PROTEGE project has not escaped the health crisis. Regional activities have been particularly hard hit by border closings and the implementation of PROTEGE activities has been significantly delayed by COVID-19.

Social and Environmental Responsibility Plan produced by the Territories for the Territories


Mangrove crab fishing in New Caledonia. (image: Matthieu Juncker)
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