Pacific Ocean Science Conference: calling for Pacific-led solutions for our Ocean

  Nadi, Fiji – The Pacific Community’s (SPC)  Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management, begins today in Fiji with more than 200 delegates from across the region and world.

Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management

SPC through its Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) would like to convene Pacific Island Countries and Territories representatives charged with integrated ocean management and ocean science partners to the 1st Pacific Islands Conference on…

An Ocean of Knowledge for our Sea of Islands

An Ocean of Knowledge for our Sea of Islands   SPC through its Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) is convening Pacific stakeholders to the 1st Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management to be held in Nadi…

Ocean Management

Tavuli News by Jeremy Gwao

Media Masterclass on Ocean Science concludes in Nadi, Fiji

Talungab Media Company by Ngewakl Isaac Soaladaob

A Floating University for the Pacific Islands

This content was originally published on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development / Te Tini A Tangaroa website

World Oceans Day 2023: integrating climate change in ocean management for a resilient Blue Pacific

The ocean is under immense pressure from climate change and human activities. Ocean warming, deoxygenation or sea level rise are altering physical and biological conditions in the ocean, affecting the composition of entire ecosystems, including their…

Ocean Science Fact: Whales can whisper

Did you know that whales can whisper? After their birth calves need to travel up to 5 000 miles with their mother, to reach their feeding areas. During this trip, they need to find energy by suckling. Meanwhile they use vocalisations at low call…

Ocean Science Fact: EL Nino and La Nina

El Niño and La Niña are climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean that can affect weather worldwide. They are two opposing climate patterns that break these normal conditions, and both have global impacts on weather, wildfires, ecosystems, and economies.

Our Ocean Conference 2023: Rising to the challenge of developing sustainable blue economies in islands and low-lying countries and communities

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