SPC's Paula Vivili opening remarks at the Seventh Meeting of the Pacific Board for Education Quality (PBEQ) CRGA Subcommittee

Opening Remarks for Deputy Director General, Dr Paula Vivili, Suva Heads of Education, senior officials, development partners, stakeholders, ladies and gentlemen Bula vinaka and Pacific greetings from Suva.

Annual Meeting of the Pacific Board for Education Quality

​ The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme's (EQAP) governing body, the Pacific Board for Educational Quality (PBEQ), will meet following member country consultations and the PILNA Steering Committee meeting on 24 and 25 March 2022. The PBEQ is…

Annual PILNA Steering Committee Meeting

​ The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme administers the Pacific Island Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) which focuses on the numeracy and literacy proficiency skills of Year 4 and Year 6 students. These are the skills that children…

Fiji administration of PILNA 2021

​Fiji will administer the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment 2021 over two days, commencing on March 22. It is the last of the 15 PILNA participating countries to conduct the regional research. It was unable to administer the assessment…

PILNA Training for Fiji School Coordinators

The training of school coordinators is essential for the success of the Fiji administration of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. This assessment is the fourth iteration of PILNA, which is generally referred to as PILNA 2021 because it…

PILNA Training for Fiji School Coordinators

​The training of school coordinators is essential for the success of the Fiji administration of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. This assessment is the fourth iteration of PILNA, which is generally referred to as PILNA 2021 because…

Education Statistics Training on Revised SDG4 Reporting Template

​UNESCO's Institute of Statistics will conduct a training on the tools and methodologies used in transferring national education data into international data and statistics. Similar to past efforts, this training is part of the UIS joint effort with SPC'…

International Women’s Day 2022 – Breaking the Bias in the Pacific’s Education sector

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day campaign, breaking the bias, that popped up in my notifications a few weeks ago, got me thinking about how the role of women in education and within EQAP is changing, and by changing, I mean changing for…

Training on the Development of Qualifications

​This training on the development of qualifications and approval processes responds to a request from requests from the University of the South Pacific's TAFE programme. As the education arm of SPC, the Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP…

Strengthening Quality of Education in the Pacific

The 2021 South Pacific Form Seven Certificate (SPFSC) qualification was successfully administered in three Pacific island countries despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, 1,391 students at Year 13 level from Kiribati, Vanuatu…
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