Atelier Conversations Carbone #1

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Profile: Viniura, farmer in Taputapuatea (French Polynesia) for International Women's Day

(contenu disponible en français uniquement)

International Women’s Day: Working together across all SPC programmes to improve gender equality

Photo: This International Women’s Day directors from several SPC divisions joined a Panel Discussion, as part of the ‘One-SPC Event for International Women’s Day’. Credit: SPC   On International Women’s Day we celebrate the achievements of women…

13 countries meet at the Pacific Community Headquarters for maritime security in the region

The Pacific Community Ocean Science Centre (PCCOS) contributed this morning to the opening of the high-level seminar on "Maritime Security and Environmental Issues in the South Pacific" organised by the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia…

Atelier technique régional de capitalisation sur l’aquaculture, réalisé dans le cadre du projet PROTEGE (2023)

L’atelier vise deux objectifs. Premièrement, un objectif de capitalisation des expérimentations aquacoles menées entre 2019 et début 2023 avec la réalisation du bilan des succès rencontrés, des résultats probants ainsi que des difficultés et des leçons…

Meet the Pacific Community at Our Ocean Conference 2023

The Pacific Community (SPC) will be present at Our Ocean Conference 2023 (Panama City, Panama). From 2-3 March, SPC will support and represent Pacific countries and territories in promoting an enhanced access to science, sound policy…

Our Ocean 2023

OUR OCEAN, OUR CONNECTION SPC will be present at Our Ocean Conference (2-3 March) in Panama City. Would you like to connect with us? Please feel free to reach out to Pierre-Yves Charpentier ([email protected]) or Maeva Tesan ([email protected]) The…

TVET and sustainable practices to Climate-Resilient Communities 2023 (A benchmarking trip fostering TVET and sustainable practices to climate-resilient societies)

People around the Pacific continue to experience the repercussions of climate change and there is a need to speed up understanding and adaptative practices among influencers and communities so that we can mitigate its implications. It is a necessity to…

Initiation of the “Climate change adaptation solutions for local authorities” Program in the Federated States of Micronesia

The Pacific Community (SPC) recently initiated the “Climate change adaptation solutions for Local Authorities in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)” Program with a national inception workshop held in Pohnpei on 9–10 February 2023. This event…

Women farmers of Taputapuatea honored

The Pacific Community's (SPC) implemented and European Union (EU) Funded PROTEGE Project has implemented a plan to raise awareness and assist women regarding the transition to agroecology in Taputapuatea Municipality, Raiatea Island, French…
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