Regional Research Agenda series


The seventh Head of Agriculture and Forestry Meeting in 2021 highlighted the need for better research coordination and resource sharing to address development issues in Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research, consultations were held to develop a Regional Research Agenda (RRA) for testing. The RRA aims to identify common forestry and agriculture development challenges, establish Pacific research partnerships, and define research strategies. It should be Pacific-designed, Pacific-owned, and implementable by Pacific countries to solve common researchable issues.

The RRA comprises three main components: Hearing Pacific Voices, Peer Review and Partners in Research.

Hearing Pacific Voices

  • The component involves gathering research priorities from member countries through an ongoing process involving SPC Networks, National Agriculture and Forestry Plans, Farmers and Industry, Civil Society Organisations, and research institutions.

  • It is anticipated that research priorities will also be discussed and identified every two years during panel discussions during the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry.

Peer Review

  • The peer review group comprises leading researchers and experts nominated by the Heads of Agriculture and Forestry. It will collaborate with the secretariat to identify the research priorities from hearing Pacific voices that are the most urgent and have the most potential for regional impact. These selected priorities are then used to guide a regional research effort towards focusing on key areas.
  • In April 2023, HOAFS called for nominations for Regional Research Leaders to form a Peer Review Group, with 17 nominated and working closely with SPC to test RRA framework. The system to set the criteria for selecting the peer reviewers and their roles and responsibilities have been defined. 

Partners in Research 

  • Partners in Research involves identifying a cluster of countries interested in investigating the identified and prioritised researchable priorities. These countries nominate a Regional Research Team that then implements the research. 
  • At first, the regional research team and the secretariat will complete a stocktake of the research already being implemented in the region and inventories of the resources available from countries, including infrastructure and technical expertise. After the stocktake is completed and knowledge gaps are identified, a research approach will be defined, and research will be conducted. If and when needed, the Regional Research Team and the Secretariat will seek external partners to add expertise to the research team or to add financial resources.

To date, the RRA is being tested, and changes and adaptations will be made to ensure that the model fits the purpose it was designed for the benefit of the PICTs.  The final adapted framework will be presented to the HOAFS for their endorsement in the meeting held in Tonga in 2025.   

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