Exam fee relief assistance for Year 13 SPFSC students

South Pacific Form Seven Certificate (SPFSC) students whose families have suffered economic hardship because of COVID-19 and Tropical Cyclone Harold will be supported to complete their final year of study.

‘Pacific Principles of Practice’ launched as a guide towards global human rights implementation

On 3 July, the Pacific Principles of Practice (Pacific Principles) of National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting and Follow-up (NMIRFs) was launched  during a virtual side event at the 44th Session of the Human Rights Council.

COVID-19 is compounding the Pacific’s non- communicable disease crisis

Health experts were quick to identify that persons living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, chronic lung diseases and cancers were more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with COVID-19. According to…

Tilapia fish farms casting wider nets in Fiji

  Ensuring Food security in the midst of COVID-19 has become a priority across the Pacific, with limited imports increasing the demand for local staples. However, the instinct for survival and self-sufficiency is  resulting in a growing number…

Graduation marks milestone as interest in micro-qualifications increases

One of the first micro-qualifications developed by the Pacific Community (SPC) has been successfully delivered by The University of the South Pacific (USP). The university graduated its first cohort of students with the micro-…

Field Connections- How technology is supporting Pacific agriculture

Field Connections- How technology is supporting Pacific agriculture  Standing in the middle of a field around a withered plant, the Pacific Community’s Plant Health Doctors conducted their first virtual meeting as they continue their work on the…

Now available: Handbook on Pacific healthy dietary guidelines for people with diabete

The Pacific Community (SPC) has published a handbook on Pacific healthy dietary guidelines for people with diabetes, which is intended for health professionals and educators who provide health advice on nutrition and dietetic interventions for people…

Exchange of maritime boundaries data to boost fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance in region

Photo Caption: Solomon Islands patrol boat (03) closely monitoring a Vietnamese vessel (blue boat) which was caught fishing illegally in the Solomon Island waters in 2018.

Seeds Handover to Fiji Government and Launch of New Regional Initiatives Supported by MFAT and DFAT

This week the Pacific Community (SPC) handed over 350kg vegetable seeds and 400 tissue culture plants to the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture (MOA). The event was part of Pacific Seeds for Life (PS4L) and represented the projects first contribution towards…

Remarks by SPC DDG, Dr A. Aumua at the Launch of 'Pacific Seeds for Life' and funding for Regional Genebank

Check against delivery Statement by Dr. Audrey Aumua  Delivered at the Launch of 'Pacific Seeds for Life' and funding announcement for Regional Genebank Suva, Fiji 27 May 2020   The Honourable Minister of Agriculture Fiji, Dr…
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