Remarks by SPC DDG A. Aumua at Launch of PIEMA Gender Equality and Empowerment Strategy & Learning Pathways

Check against delivery   Launch of PIEMA Gender Equality and Empowerment Strategy & Learning Pathways Remarks by SPC DDG, Dr A. Aumua  

Fiji youths using art to share prevention and control messages for non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

“If we make a change now, our generation can be the healing generation in the future and through the Wake-up project we have taken five steps ahead in the advancement of art in Fiji and using this to portray wellness messages”. These are the words of…

New projects to strengthen food security, access to clean drinking water & provide renewable energy access for Pacific people

The European Union (EU) and the Pacific Community (SPC) have today launched three new projects that will help address the social and economic impacts of COVID-19, whilst supporting longer-term economic recovery and health benefits for the Pacific region.

PIFS-SPC join voices for Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into Human Rights of Pacific Women, Girls

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the Pacific Community (SPC) have made a joint submission to the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into the human rights of women and girls in the Pacific.  The submission offers recommendations on how…

Mobilising Youth to lead the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases in the Pacific

Did you know that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) represent one of the most serious challenges to the health and wellbeing of youth in the Pacific region?   In the ‘Pacific Youth Development Framework 2014 – 2023’, young people identified NCDs as…

Youth Engagement in the Pacific Community's 2021+ Strategic Plan

Young people are actively contributing to a visioning exercise to help inform the Pacific Community 2021 – 2030 Strategic Plan.  The median age in the Pacific region is 22.6.

Pacific MEL Rebbilib report on MEL capacity available for download

A year-long, collaborative commitment to Pacific-led evidence generation and analysis has culminated in the newly launched Pacific Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Capacity Strengthening Rebbilib report.

Specialised education for Pacific nurses continues amidst COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to impact the world and place a burden on health care workers, the Pacific region identified that an increase in the confirmed number of cases will strain the already fragile Pacific public health sector. When countries in the…

Building Resilience in Pacific Education

 This story originally appeared on the Inter Press Service website, it has been republished here with permission.   

Q&A with the Gender and Value Chains Advisor for Pacific Organic & Ethical Trade Community (POETCom), Flavia Ciribello

Women contribute significantly to their nation’s economies. In the Pacific, this overarches the formal, informal, subsistence and domestic labour activities; yet economically, their contribution often remains invisible or overlooked.
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