Micro-qualifications and accreditation development support continues for the Fiji National University

The third cohort of Fiji National University (FNU) staff have successfully completed micro-qualification development and accreditation training, conducted by the Pacific Community (SPC).

Strengthening radiology services in the Pacific Region: Meet Nalini Vandana Prasad, Medical Imaging Technologist in Fiji

A group of 22 radiologists from 7 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) in 2021, enrolled and completed the International Certificate in Radiology Fundamentals, in another step to broaden the region’s medical expertise. The Pacific Community…

Nature-based solutions shared through organic farming exchange

Representatives from Fiji, Nauru, Tonga and Solomon Islands that are members of the Pacific Organic Learning Farms Network (POLFN) have shared experiences with their Pacific French speaking counterparts in an exchange that covered best practices in the…

Soil for Livelihoods: Meet Dr. Uta Stockmann, lead on soil sampling in response to the 2022 Tonga volcano eruption

Meet Dr Uta Stockmann, Team Leader Proximal Sensing, at the Commonwealth S

SPC’s 75th anniversary: Pacific agriculture gets a major boost in 1998 with the establishment of the region’s first plant and tree genebank at SPC

Photo: A CePaCT laboratory technician in 2011   The Pacific Community turned 75 on the 6th of February 2022. As we mark 75 years of the Pacific Community’s Service to the region, on the 6th of each month we will feature a key moment in history for…

Solar Powered Boat for Fiji’s Nakalawaca Women’s Group, a first in the Pacific

Nakalawaca village lies on the Eastern side of Viti Levu in the Fiji Islands and is home to 260 villagers whose main source of income is seafood and vegetable farming.  The women of Nakalawacaspend up to five hours a day out at sea catching seafood…

Fiji scientists as master trainers to support ocean acidification monitoring in the Pacific

Photo: USP and SPC Staff at Ocean Acidification Workshop   Ocean acidification directly impacts local coastal environments and livelihoods in the Pacific. Pacific Islands countries have many reef-dependent communities who are vulnerable to…

Practising what you teach: field-based training with SPC’s e-data systems

Bringing back the personal touch is important when following up online training. Scientists from the Pacific Community (SPC) develop e-data systems to be relevant to member’s specific needs, and how better to get to know these individual requirements…

Stat of the week: In Fiji, gross tourism earnings were only 3% of GDP in 2020

Did you know? In Fiji, gross tourism earnings were only 3% of GDP in 2020, a significant drop from the previous year (17% in 2019). This decrease was mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creating resilience through disaster-preparedness

Photo: Remivani Baravi with her husband, showing her backyard plantation as a means to be self-reliant after disasters Villages that are earmarked to relocate because of their vulnerability to severe floods, recently received resilience training…
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