Protecting drinking water in Touho, New Caledonia

(content available in French only)

Coconut holes and clam shells: using indigenous knowledge and modern science to find drinking water in Pacific communities

Identifying groundwater sources on Fiji’s Kia Island

Although it is composed of 98 per cent ocean, the Pacific is one of the world’s regions where availability of freshwater supplies is the most challenging.

Green News: Tap water, the main source of drinking water in New Caledonia

9 out of 10 New Caledonians use tap water as their main source of drinking water. The New Caledonia Health and Social Affairs Department carried out a “water-health barometer” study financed by the European PROTEGE project. According to this study, New…

Green News: Let's not waste water, let's protect it

Did you know that a tap left open will produce nearly 20,000 Liters/day? This is the daily consumption of 70 families of 4 people.

Green News: Do you value your water source?

Water for the children of Futuna

A dream come true "On Futuna, the water is not safe to drink. While there are still problems for the whole community to have access to safe drinking water, at least our children will be able to drink clean water at school and work under better…

Specialists from atoll nations gather in Tarawa to talk water security

Technical officers from different Pacific atolls met in Kiribati for an intensive week of training and knowledge sharing to improve their capacity to support the water security of vulnerable island communities. The one-week Atoll Water Security Workshop…

Milestone report on “Sanitation, Drinking water and Health in Pacific Island countries” reveals troubling information

A regional report entitled “Sanitation, Drinking-water and Health in Pacific Island Countries: 2015 update and future outlook” has found that almost 70% of people living in the Pacific are without access to improved sanitation, and almost 50% lack access…

Pacific community marks World Water Day

On 22 March each year, Pacific Island countries and territories pause to acknowledge and celebrate the importance of their fresh water resources to sustainable development.
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