Validation workshop in Vanuatu aims to operationalise the Regional Kava Development Strategy Implementation

The successful rollout of the Implementation Plan for the Regional Kava Development Strategy (RKDS) will be shaped by the discussions and actions taken by the stakeholders involved i

Securing our Pacific maritime zones: Fiji, Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands forge ahead

In the sweltering heat of Honiara just after Easter, a pivotal gathering took place that continued a 15-year journey.

Paving the way for improved recognition of Pacific qualifications

In the Pacific, people frequently move between countries for work and study, both through labour mobility schemes and individual arrangements.

First EU-SAFE Steering Committee meeting marks progress in Pacific biosecurity and trade facilitation

Farmers at their Kava farm in Vanua Levu, Fiji. The first Steering Committee of the European Union (EU) funded project Safe Agricultural Trade Facilitation for Economic Integration in the Pacific (

Educators trained to offer resilience qualifications in the Pacific

As discussions on resilience and climate change are growing amongst different sectors and platforms in the Pacific, formalising practices and creating career pathways through the newly developed Resilience Qualifications has scaled up the need to offer…

Adolescent girls in Vanuatu stepping up to support national disaster response

CARE Vanuatu has commissioned research into how adolescent girls are impacted by Tropical Cyclones in Vanuatu, through its Laef Blong Mi Vois Blong Mi (VBM) project. CARE Vanuatu has commissioned research into how adolescent girls are impacted by…

Vanuatu building its school curriculum on respect and cultural values to raise respectful citizens

Almost 6,000 students in Vanuatu are part of a change in their education system that actively talks about bullying, respect and ensures that every student sees the equalty of each other no matter their age, race or gender. In Vanuatu, social citizenship…

Exploring the World of Psychometrics: improving the educational outcomes for Pacific students

Psychometric analysis is now increasingly being employed by Pacific Island countries to analyse student assessments and report on the key areas of education identified by the national governments of the region. To improve the standard of reporting using…

A first of its kind database for persons with disability launched in Vanuatu

The Vanuatu database for People with Disability was officially launched and reaffirms the government's commitment to achieving sustainable development goals and ensuring no one is left behind. The Vanuatu database for People with Disability is the first…

Launching of the Public Service Staff Manual and Groundbreaking of the Prime Minister's Office & PSC Complex

This press release was originally published on Vanuatu PM’s Office website
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