Overcoming the Pandemic: Regional Commitment to build a brighter future for Pacific children

The Pacific Community (SPC) will be launching the results of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), on 8 September during the International Literacy Day celebrations, using a more interactive digital reporting version that will be…

Population Dashboard for all Pacific Island Countries and Territories now available on Pacific Data Hub

Photo: Women from Nguna Island, Vanuatu - Credit: UN Women Asia and the Pacific/ Nicky Kuautonga/ Flickr    

Green News: Vanuatu’s push for legal protection from climate change wins crucial

In 2021 Vanuatu announced its intention to seek an advisory opinion by the international court of justice on the rights of present and future generations to be protected from climate change.

Pacific-led emergency management system helping community policing in Vanuatu

Illicit substances, particularly methamphetamine and cannabis (marijuana) are overwhelming many Pacific Island communities. For the island nation of Vanuatu, the cultivation of marijuana has become a concern for law enforcement and families. Corporal…

Online para-vet training steps up for Pacific livestock health

Animal health officers are the eyes and ears of veterinarians in many Pacific countries where there are few or no veterinarians. They safeguard livestock health and provide essential regional animal disease surveillance. However, as they are not fully…

Hand hygiene auditor training for a standardized approach

Infection, prevention, and control (IPC) focal points from Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Kiribati, and Solomon Islands successfully completed a 10-hour hand hygiene Gold standard auditors training. They are now recognised as the first cohort of IPC focal points…

UNESCO Global Geoparks for the Pacific

Credit: Christoph Burgdorfer, Unsplash  What do UNESCO Global Geoparks, the Pacific regions recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and a Pacific Community (SPC) Geologist have in common?  Usually not a lot but when the 2020 Funding with Intent…

A conversation with Mark Ero, Entomologist at the Pacific Community

It’s the diverse, and sometimes creepy, world of insects that fascinates SPC's Entomologist Mark Ero when out in the field carrying out research activities.  According to him, “They  are the world’s miniature marvels, and the most successful…

SPC addresses Pacific pests, diseases and health risks through new virtual training

  The Pacific Community (SPC) this week took another stride toward combating the emergence of pests, diseases, and health risks such as African Swine Fever (ASF) through the organisation of a regional training focused on strengthening and improving…

Waste not, want not: Unusual fuel for Pacific green energy needs

Waste not, want not: Unusual fuel for Pacific green energy needs     Around the world rapid development and population growth have outpaced the capacity to deal with the waste produced.  In parallel, large sections of…
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