Women need a stronger voice in disaster management

As the Pacific begins to shift its strategy towards a post COVID rebuilding model, there is an opportunity to rebuild institutions and programs, so they are stronger and more resilient. A key element to this process is increasing the participation and…

Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle control fast-tracked through new agreement in Papua New Guinea

Photo: Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle eggs hatch into C-shaped, larval grubs that can grow to be 60-105mm (2.3-4.1 inches) long.  

Stat of the week: 53% of Papua New Guinea's total final energy consumption comes from renewable sources

Did you know? 53% of Papua New Guinea's total final energy consumption comes from renewable sources.    

Pacific Partnership launches paper on “What Works to End Violence against Women and Girls”

The Pacific Community’s (SPC)’s Social Citizenship Education (SCE) programme, as part of the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership), has today launched a paper on What Works to End Violence against Women and…

Stat of the week: 7.13% of household expenditure in Tokelau is on tobacco

Did you know ? In 2015, 7.13% of household expenditure in Tokelau was on tobacco. On the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day, WHO remind us the harmful impact of the tobacco industry on the environment is vast and growing adding unnecessary…

Anchored FAD benefit for Cook Islands

Following COVID-19, Cook Islanders have become more reliant on fishing for their local food security. The use of anchored fish aggregating devices (aFAD) is helping to take pressure off in-shore fish species.

Stat of the week: 70% of Palau's marine key biodiversity areas are covered by protected areas

Did you know? In 2019, it was estimated that 70% of Palau's marine key biodiversity areas were covered by protected areas.  The protection of marine areas is essential for protecting the oceans biodiversity and natural resources. The importance of…

Pacific-led emergency management system helping community policing in Vanuatu

Illicit substances, particularly methamphetamine and cannabis (marijuana) are overwhelming many Pacific Island communities. For the island nation of Vanuatu, the cultivation of marijuana has become a concern for law enforcement and families. Corporal…

Tips for effective and engaging public speaking

In this video, Toastmaster Ralph Gilmour reviews some of the tactics he discussed during his Mini Workshop on effective and engaging public speaking. The complete list of the tactics is posted in Pacific Fisheries Leadership Programme (PFLP) website.

UNESCO Global Geoparks for the Pacific

Credit: Christoph Burgdorfer, Unsplash  What do UNESCO Global Geoparks, the Pacific regions recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and a Pacific Community (SPC) Geologist have in common?  Usually not a lot but when the 2020 Funding with Intent…
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