Stat of the week: The average price per kilo for Yellowfin Tuna in 2020

In 2020, the average price per kilo for Yellowfin Tuna (whole, from Pacific Ocean) is USD2.30/kg.   Did you know, fish is one of the main sources of protein in the Pacific, but also one of the main sources of revenue.

Assessment of COVID-19 socio-economic impacts on Special Management Area households and small-scale fishers in Tonga

Contact: Carolina Garcia Imhof: [email protected]  

0cean Science Fact: Not as salty everywhere?

  Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is generally less salty than the Atlantic?  

Ocean Science Fact: It is high time to drop the S!

It is high time to drop the S! We may give different parts of it different names but there is only one Ocean and it works as a whole to help make all Life On Earth possible. For more information: Watch here for more or visit: World Ocean…

“Keep Fishing Sustainable”: Innovative communication for engaging Wallis & Futuna communities

Besides disseminating information, many awareness campaigns aim to permanently change practices and behaviour. Changing norms can only be conceived together with local communities, often by jointly developing systems and key messaging. As new information…

How much do you know about sea cucumbers, apart from being soft, slimy and wrinkled?

How much do you know about sea cucumbers, apart from being soft, slimy and wrinkled? Sea cucumbers are obsessed with cleaning marine sand, this is how they feed. By filtering sand, sea cucumbers remove decaying organic matter from our ocean floor. This…

Ocean Science Fact: The ocean absorbs about 1/3 of the CO2 created by human activities

At COP 26, the Glasgow Climate Pact recognised the importance of the ocean to address climate change. The message is clear: any climate action or sustainable development path will require a focus on the ocean.

Ocean Science Fact: At a depth of 500 m, the water temperature is down to ~5° Celsius

New MoU to enhance protection and sustainable management of Pacific Ocean resources

Photo credit: PacIOOS  

Virtual Talanoa: Knowledge exchange on national ocean policies and youth-led initiatives in the Pacific

Pacific Early Career Ocean Professionals Join us on 17 December to hear about the outstanding work done by young ocean professionals in Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Samo, and Fiji. The idea is to share, exchange, build your network, and start new…
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