Meet Judith Giblin: Women in Science Week


11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Over the next two weeks we are highlighting some of the inspiring women scientists working in the Pacific Community. 


Meet Judith Giblin, SPC Senior Technical Officer, Oceanography


Describe your work?

I work at SPC-GEM Oceanographic team as a Senior Technical Officer. We work on various projects that deal with coastal risk mapping and coastal modelling to name a few. I’m responsible for collecting data and information on coastal, nearshore and marine area through field surveys and remote sensing techniques. Also handle quality control, processing and analysing of the data to produce various outputs such as maps, reports and GIS-databases. We also do post-survey training workshops and outreach activities.

Why did you decide to work in the science field?

I’ve always loved science and knew at a young age that science is the route I wanted to take. My decision was made easier since Economics and Accounting didn’t really interest me. My adventurous spirit has always sought a career to travel, spend time in the field and I was fortuitous to be in position at SPC that allows me to achieve my personal and career goals.

What impact does your work have on the Pacific region?

Judith 1.JPGCoastal hazard mapping is a key interest in our region as our countries are surrounded by ocean and a large portion of our population reside along the coast. Thus knowing our hazardous zones and ensuring proper urban planning, we can minimise our risk to coastal hazards and increase our resilience to these coastal risks. By producing maps and technical reports for country governments to use and hopefully factor into potential and current policies gives me fulfilment knowing my work is making an impact.

Advice to other young women or girls on getting involved in STEM?

My advice is always not to be shy about taking new opportunities. Apply for any internship, scholarship or volunteer for activities that comes your way or peaks your interest. Be bold!

Geoscience, Energy and Maritime


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Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Women in Science Week
Women in Science Week