Pacific Community assists Fiji’s post-cyclone surveys

Two interdisciplinary teams of oceanographers and damage assessment specialists from the Pacific Community (SPC) will depart today to conduct a week-long survey of the impacts of tropical cyclone Winston on the island of Ovalau and the southern coast of…

Reforest Fiji seedlings contribute to Cyclone Winston recovery

EU will provide FJ$10 million through SPC towards recovery and rehabilitation after Cyclone Winston

Cyclone Winston: Pacific Community offers assistance to Fiji

The Pacific Community (SPC) is offering its prayers and practical assistance as Fiji rallies to assess the scale of the impact of tropical cyclone Winston.

Concern over dead fish in Fiji and Vanuatu

Recent reports have emerged of dead fish strewn along Fiji’s Coral Coast and come on the heels of observations in Vanuatu of hundreds of dead fish and invertebrates f

Dr Audrey Aumua appointed as head of the Pacific Community’s Fiji operations

Dr Audrey Aumua has been appointed as Deputy Director-General of the Pacific Community (SPC), based in Suva, Fiji. Dr Aumua will lead SPC’s programmes based in Suva, and will be the Director-General’s representative in Fiji.

Pacific Community staff in Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati and New Caledonia honoured at annual awards

The 2015 Director-General’s Awards for staff excellence at the Pacific Community (SPC) have recognised employees working in coastal fisheries, human resou

Livestock for livelihoods: new generation thinking for Fiji

The Fiji Government wants to see new and innovative ideas to help drive growth in the livestock sector.

Boost for cultural producers’ rights and cultural industries in Fiji

Understanding and improving intellectual property rights and protection for cultural creators and producers is the focus of a four-day training workshop under way in Suva, Fiji, this week.

7.5 million more trees and renewed livelihoods for Fiji’s sugar belt

Fiji is earmarked to have an extra 7.5 million trees spanning six thousand hectares of forestry plantations and woodlots in a major boost for livelihoods in Viti Levu, thanks to a new initiative funded by the European Union and implemented by the…
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