Fiji tackles African Swine Fever with new emergency response plan

The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) have developed an Animal Biosecurity Emergency Response Plan (ABERP) to address possible exotic incursions such as African Swine Fever. The plan was announced at the ‘African Swine Fever (ASF) Awareness and…

Timely boost for quality education in the Pacific

The regional effort to transform Pacific education is expected to gain traction following the recent approval of USD 15 million (EUR 12.3 million) in grant money to the education partnership under the Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF).  

World Hearing Day: Improving ENT & Audiology services in PICTs

According to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) there is a global burden of 538 million people with hearing impairment of whom 80% live in developing nations. Estimates indicate that about 20% of the Pacific Island Country population have mild…

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific  

Fiji Independence Day

Pacific Islanders enrolled in postgraduate certificate for radiology

A group of 22 radiologists from 7 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) are undertaking a Postgraduate Certificate in Radiology Fundamentals, in another step to broaden the region’s medical expertise. The Pacific Community (SPC) with funding…

PILNA Pairwise Linking Study

This study will commence with a training on how to use the statistical linking methodology known as pairwise comparison. Conducted by EQAP's technical partner, the Australian Centre for Educational Research (ACER), the training will…

The perfect wave for surfers floods low-lying communities

The Pacific region in recent weeks has been hit by severe weather. Large storms and cyclones across the region have whipped up large waves that have ricocheted across the Pacific Ocean.

Fisheries Story: the first community-owned pearl-meat farm in Fiji

Check out this story of a village which created the very first Fijian community-owned pearl-meat farm in the country. It will support livelihoods through supplementary income while promoting the sustainable use of marine resources. This is the…

Green News: Pacific resilience to flooding and climate change

Green News Series: Pacific resilience to flooding and climate change
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