Cyclone Harold inspires new way to collect data for disaster assessments

Supporting a more integrated approach to disaster management in the Pacific

Over the past decade the incidence and intensity of disasters in the Pacific has dramatically increased highlighting the importance of strengthen

Consultation for Regional Strategic Roadmap Emergency Management (SREM) Action Plan

​Initial consultation for the Regional Strategic Roadmap Emergency Management (SREM) and Action Plan jointly hosted by the Pacific Community and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. The purpose of this consultation is to detail outcomes, strategies and…

Strategic partnership to strengthen emergency management and resilience

The Government of Vanuatu and the Australian Capital Territory Emergency Service Agency (ACTESA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding today to support the mutual exchange of technical assistance in emergency management and strengthen the long-term…

Federated States of Micronesia pursue a common approach between disaster risk and climate change

A joint Environment Summit and Disaster Risk Management Platform is being held this week (15-19 August) in Weno, Chuuk, to address challenges related to the impacts of disasters throughout the Federated States of Micronesia.
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