Samoa advances coastal fisheries governance with legal training for sustainable marine resource management

Credit: Samoa MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries)

First Pacific Ministers of Youth Meeting in more than a decade recognises the need to pass the baton to our youth - the leaders of tomorrow 

Pacific Senior Officials convene to tackle energy challenges and shape sustainable future

Senior energy officials, experts, and development partners from across the Pacific region gathered today in Nadi, Fiji, for the commencement of the Pacific Regional Energy Meeting Series. 

Vision for adapted crops and soils expands to the Pacific Islands Region

This media note was originally published on the US Department of State website.

Regional Youth Convenings: Toe Timata le Ūpega - Balata Vou Tale Na Lawa - Cast the Net Anew

Pacific region leading the way in human rights software

Preserving knowledge of U cultural heritage, in the Federated States of Micronesia

Sharing disability inclusion advocacy experiences across the Pacific

Civil Society Organisations share best practices for better disability inclusion in the Pacific

Republic Of Marshall Islands Elections Authority endorses establishment of a Disability Access Working Group

In a historic move towards empowering persons with disabilities, the Republic of the Marshall Islands Elections Administration (RMIEA) has formally endorsed the establishment of an Elections Disability Accessibility…
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