Nothing justifies sexual harassment

 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence "In our culture, it’s normal to flirt with women. They like it." "She works in a job that’s usually done by men and her colleagues are all men: what does she expect?" "This is the nature of our…

“Consent is the key word. Silence does not signify consent.”

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

"Some men think they can get away with this kind of behaviour"

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I’m a 36-year-old mother of three and I sell fruit, vegetables and root crops at the big market in town. My youngest, a boy, is four years old and sometimes I take him to the market with me if my sister-in-law is busy…

"We are expected to accept this behaviour as normal"

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I’m a 24-year-old transgender woman. I work as a waitress at a big hotel. Sometimes I work in the restaurant area and other times in the bar, serving guests with food and drinks. The work is fun – I get to meet…

Touching me without my consent is sexual harassment

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I’m a 32-year-old blind woman. I’ve been blind since birth. Ever since I was young I’ve wanted to have a normal job and go to work every day like everyone else I know.

Until we start speaking up, things are not going to improve…

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I’m a 46-year-old professional Pacific Island woman working for a large development organisation. My work requires frequent travel to Pacific Island countries for meetings and conferences.

“I feel like no one will believe us”

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I’m 39 years old. I’m a single mother with three children. My son is in high school and my two girls are in primary. My husband died last year. He had a heart attack. He was 45. He was a mechanic. He used to drink a…

“It started in high school…”

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I am 21 year old woman, a third-year university student. For me, sexual harassment started in high school. Yes, I know boys will be boys and make stupid comments, and I could handle them, though I didn’t like them.…

“It became obvious that I had to be on my guard around this man all the time …”

Sexual harassment: Women’s stories I am 32 years old. For as long as I can remember, sexual harassment has been something I’ve had to cope with for most of my professional life. When I was in my second year of university, I had the opportunity to…

Sexual harassment: Myths and facts

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
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