Biodiversity in Oceania

La Plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques (IPBES) a été créée en 2012 et compte aujourd'hui 129 États membres. Sa 7ème conférence plénière s’est déroulée à Paris du 29 avril au 4 mai…

Les Outre-Mer vus par leurs acteurs: entreprendre, innover & valoriser en Outre-mer

​Lieu: DGOM - 57 boulevard des Invalides, Paris 7ème

Cameron Diver : The Pacific Community, improving the well-being of Pacific people

SPC's Deputy Director-General, Cameron Diver, shares perspectives on the Pacific Community-SPC, and some of the issues discussed with French authorities and partners in support of Sustainable Development in the

Les Outre-Mer vus par leurs acteurs: énergies & environnement dans les Outre-mer

En savoir plus sur l'événement

Les Outre-Mer vus par leurs acteurs: cultures ultramarines & intégration régionale

Date : Mercredi 28 Novembre 2018, 18h-20h 

Les Outre-Mer vus par leurs acteurs: la France, 2e espace maritime, pour quoi faire ?

En savoir plus  

High expectations for a High-Level Dialogue by Cameron Diver, Deputy Director-General, The Pacific Community (SPC)

In a little under two weeks the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, will meet with leaders from around the Pacific region for a High Level Dialogue on Climate Change and Biodiversity.

Pacific Community congratulates newly elected French President

The Pacific Community (SPC) offers its congratulations to the newly elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Following the election on Sunday, Macron, leader of the “En Marche” political movement, will become the 8th President of France’s 5th…

United Nations Conference on Climate Change 30 November -11 December 2015, Paris

Pacific island nations and regional organisations are actively participating in the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) and associated events in Paris.

Leaders to urge French President to take Pacific climate case to Paris

When they meet tomorrow in New Caledonia, Pacific Island leaders will look to the President of the Republic of France, H.E. François Hollande, to take their compelling case for action on climate change all the way to the United Nations conference in…
Displaying 21 - 30 of 30