New GeneXpert testing machines to give Fiji’s COVID screening efforts a boost

The COVID pandemic has created many challenges to Pacific health systems, among these is increasing demand for expanding for testing. Although testing facilities do exist in the Pacific, most were designed to screen primarily for TB. As a result, there…

Pacific response to COVID-19 is demonstrating power of regionalism

Health supplies being loaded for PNG as part of the PHP-C The Pacific Heads of Health recently held a virtual meeting under the shadow of COVID-19. The tone was understandably sombre and serious. The crisis being faced across the globe has certainly not…

SPC Elected as Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Group for 2020-21

The Statistics for Development Division is proud to announce that SPC has been elected unanimously as the Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Group at a side event of the 2020 UN statistical Commission meeting in New York. SPC was…

Child rights in the Pacific: UN body concludes historic session in Samoa

In an historic extraordinary outreach session, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child met government officials, UN agencies, civil society and children to discuss the situation of children’s rights in the Pacific. “For many years, we spoke and…

84th Extraordinary Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child - Clarence Vui Nelson Profile

Profile Series: Acting Chief Justice Clarence Vui Nelson (Samoa) ​

Strengthening leadership capacity critical for nurses and midwives in the Pacific

Nursery and midwifery challenges and the leadership capacity of these disciplines must be strengthened at a national, regional & international level. This was the call from participants at the inaugural Pacific Heads of Nursing & Midwifery…

Inaugural meeting for Pacific heads of nurses set to influence and drive regional health priorities

The Heads of Nursing from Pacific Island Countries and Territories will convene in Nadi, Fiji from the 11th- 13th of February 2020 for the inaugural Pacific Heads of Nurses (PHoN) Meeting. This is the first time such a meeting has taken place, reflecting…

Launch of ‘EQAP Elevate’ platform to foster dialogue on quality education

The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme’s talanoa series, EQAP Elevate, was successfully launched today at the Pacific Community’s Suva campus in Fiji.  EQAP Elevate aims to draw focus to quality education in the region; to share best…

SPC monitoring measles in the Pacific

As measles cases continue to be reported in the Pacific, the Pacific Community (SPC) continues to closely monitor the situation and produces a weekly map showing measles and other epidemic and emerging diseases circulating in the region.  As…

SPC Inside: Learn more about governance in the context of official statistics in the Pacific

The Pacific Statistics Methods Board (PSMB) and Pacific Statistics Standing Committee (PSSC) both had meetings recently in Noumea. This short video explains how these statistics governance bodies and the Pacific Community are contributing to…
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