Pacific leads on delivering quality counselling services for survivors of gender-based violence

Kiribati has begun national consultations as part of a regional project to ensure consistently high quality standards for Pacific counselling services provided to survivors of gender-based violence and violence against women and girls.This week’s…

A first Pacific-led Priorities Document to better address online abuse

Better data results in better services for Chuuk’s survivors of family violence

Staff at the Chuuk Women's Council's Tongen Inepwineu Counseling Center (TICC) who were provided with capacity building support by Pacific Women Lead at SPC in April last year.

Stat of the week: In Papua New Guinea, 54% of women (15-64 years) experienced physical violence by their partner at least once in their lifetime in 2018

In Papua New Guinea, 54% of women (15-64 years) experienced physical violence by their partner at least once in their lifetime in 2018.

Casting nets of inclusion: Voice of equity for resilient Pacific fisheries

In the heart of the Pacific, the bustling halls of the Pacific Community (SPC) in Noumea, New Caledonia echoed with the vibrant voices of coastal fisheries and aquaculture experts. Representatives from the 20 Pacific Island countries and territories…

Read the keynote address delivered by Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua , Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs - Fiji Goverment during the closing dinner for CRGA and Conference

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua  The Honourable Panapasi Nelesone, Chair of the 13th Conference of the Pacific Community Honourable Ministers Excellencies Senior Officials Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen

From silence to strength: Transforming our Blue Pacific through legislation

Civil society’s important role in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women reporting process in Kiribati

Participants who took part in the CEDAW consultation in Kiribati.

Global review throws light on gender-based violence in fisheries

Gender and Human Rights statistics essential for Gender Equality

Series of SPC stories for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) 2022, demonstrating how science and technical support contributes to ending GBV.   Quality data and statistics for gender and human rights including…
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