Meet the young geographer who is making waves in marine science and sustainable ocean management

Meet the young geographer who is making waves in marine science and sustainable ocean management. 

Anchored FAD benefit for Cook Islands

Following COVID-19, Cook Islanders have become more reliant on fishing for their local food security. The use of anchored fish aggregating devices (aFAD) is helping to take pressure off in-shore fish species.

Stat of the week: 1.97 million km2 of the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone are covered by marine protected areas

Did you know? 1.97 million km2 of the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone are covered by marine protected areas.

The Cook Islands and the Pacific Community express confidence in regional COVID-19 efforts  


Contextual data of PILNA 2018 throws new light on Pacific education

The contextual data of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 was cause for excitement for education representatives at a workshop on PILNA 2018 data earlier this month.

PILNA 2018 Data Workshop Opening Remarks by EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Opening remarks by Educational Quality & Assessment Programme (EQAP) Director Dr Michelle Belisle Good morning and a warm welcome to all of you as we begin our very first Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, or PILNA, data workshop.…

Thank an Oceanographer!

Pacific features in Global Ocean Observing Conference “When you’re sick, you go to the doctor. Our oceans are sick and we need the scientists and experts to help us understand what is wrong and how to get better.” – Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for…

Building a Sustainable Blue Pacific: Keynote Address by the Honourable Henry Tuakeu Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands

check against delivery Building a Sustainable Blue Pacific SPC 11th Conference Keynote Address by the Honourable Henry Tuakeu Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands _________________________

Pacific health ministers gather to address islands’ key health challenges, solutions

Health ministers from 20 Pacific island countries and areas convened yesterday in the Cook Islands for the 12th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting. The biennial gathering seeks to reaffirm the importance of the Healthy Islands vision in promoting and…

Mineral treasures in Cook Islands seas

Deep below the sparkling blue waters around the Cook Islands lie deposits of minerals that could spark a new industry for the people of this small Pacific Island nation. Marine scientific research and offshore mineral exploration in the Exclusive…
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