Equipping teachers to improve the region’s literacy standards

SPC celebrating the International Day of Education 2024 The Pacific Community (SPC), in partnership with the Ministry of Education Fiji and the Teachers to Leaders (T2L) team, launched the PILNA TV videos during the International Day of Education…

Remarks by SPC’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Director, Dr Michelle Belisle, during the International Day of Education 2024 celebrations

Greetings to all, and best wishes for 2024. I am Michelle Belisle, the director of the Educational Quality and Assessment Programme, or EQAP, here at SPC, and I am happy to welcome all of you joining us, either in person or virtually, to our…

Achieving peace across the blue continent through quality education

Since the last International Day of Education, the world has seen major floods in Asia, hurricanes in the Atlantic and the Pacific,  significant earthquakes that crumbled buildings in Türkiye and Syria and escalating wars in the Middle East.

Equipping Pacific’s future leaders by prioritizing education today!

In our daily lives, we encounter news from across the globe regarding issues affecting humanity and the responses global leaders forge together to counter those humanitarian issues. Sustainable solutions require critical thinkers and creative problem…

Transforming primary education in the Pacific through data-Informed strategies

The global drive to engage in evidence-based decision-making has been widely acknowledged and adopted at the regional and national levels worldwide. In the Pacific, there is a growing pool of data banks that are being used by Pacific governments…

Remarks by the Pacific Community’s Education Quality and Assessment Programme Director, Dr Michelle Belisle at International Day of Education 2023 celebrations


Education is the Answer!

People and their environment are at the heart of development planning, implementation, decisions, monitoring and reporting carried out in the Pacific. The Pacific Community (SPC) ensures that sustainable development strategies are implemented by the…
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