Introductory Remarks by SPC Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls Mereseini Rakuita at the Micronesia Ministers for Women Conference

Micronesian Ministers for Women Conference (MMWC) Nauru, 16-18 April 2024 Introductory Remarks by the Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls (SPC)  

Building inclusive fisheries in the Pacific: Inaugural GESI Forum kicks off with FFA and SPC

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) in collaboration with the Pacific Community (SPC), is hosting its first-ever Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Forum at the FFA Conference Centre in Honiara this week.

Closing remarks by Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls, SPC, at the Pacific Prevention Summit 2023

Preventing violence against women and girls: A message of hope

Lululeen Santos hopeful for the future of women and girls in Micronesia

Lululeen Santos, is the Pacific Women Lead at SPC’s Country Focal Point, Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW), based in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). She works closely with communities and all State Governments in FSM, to assist with their…

Data and statistics to assist women survivors and lawmakers address gender-based violence - Series of stories for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022

Crisis centres adopting administrative databases are better able to track volumes of women being counselled plus identify trends to assist support services, survivors, lawmakers, and others to better address violence against women and girls. “The gender…

Grants available for government, civil society and other gender equality projects

Photo: Crisis centres, women’s groups, civil society and other organisations, such as the Kiribati Women and Children Support Centre, are able to apply for grants being offered for gender equality projects in Pacific countries by the Pacific…

Telephone counselling offers an improved lifeline for women survivors of family violence

Thirty-seven counsellors and safe house service providers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) can now better provide (GBV) telephone counselling services to women and girl survivors of family violence after a week-long skills training on telephone counselling ,…

Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women

Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women, SPC Pacific Women in Energy Conference Suva, Fiji 5 October 2022     Participants of SPC member countries and territories Ms Laura Lochman, Deputy Assistant…

Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue Highlights the Need for Women and Men to Lead the 2050 Strategy

On the margins of the 12th Pacific Isl

Opening statement by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC’s Principal Strategic Lead, at the 12th Pacific Islands Leader’s Conference

Opening of the Women’s Talanoa Session at the 12th Pacific Islands Leader’s Conference (PICL) by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC’s Principal Strategic Lead   Like the rest of the world, our Blue Pacific Continent is facing major global challenges that are…
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