Pacific’s “Tree of Life” forum agrees on next steps for regional platform

A forum held on the 3rd and 4th of April at the Pacific Community (SPC) offices in Fiji has resulted in agreement on future steps to formalise a regionwide platform that supports the development and trade of  Pacific’s “Tree of Life” – the coconut.

Enhanced food systems planning and coordination called for at the Pacific Ministers Meeting to close the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry

Nadi, Fiji – In their first in-person meeting after the COVID-19 pandemic, Pacific Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry last week addressed some of the region’s most pressing challenges, including climate change, national food systems planning…

Pacific Agriculture and Forestry Heads seek sector transformation at first in-person meeting in four years

Nadi, Fiji – In their first meeting since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Heads of Agriculture and Forestry for Pacific Countries tackled an ambitious agenda set on transforming the sectors to create thriving and resilient communities for…

Leaders to convene for first time in four years to chart future for Pacific agriculture and forestry

Overcoming drought together on World Drought Day

Do you know that our ecosystems are connected? Have you ever taken the time to learn that our soil ecosystems, water ecosystems, forest ecosystems and marine ecosystems are all linked? Do you ever wonder that if you exploit one of the ecosystems it will…

Opening of new molecular lab boosts Pacific’s crop research capabilities

The SPC’s Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) programme and partners Manaaki Whenua LandCare Research (New Zealand) opened a new plant molecular laboratory today that is the first of its kind in the Pacific. 

Soil is more than dirt for Atoll farmers

To help improve farming practices and to strengthen resilience in the face of the current changing weather patterns, the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division (LRD) has invested in conducting soil and crop management trainings for farmers across…

A glimpse into the Pacific food systems

  Discover the specificities of food systems in the Pacific region, why they are particularly fragile, and the role of the island communities in protecting them. Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate Communications Office

Pacific Food Systems

The future of food and food systems in the Pacific will play a key role in supporting the region, the planet’s recovery and revival from COVID-19, and the long-term health, resilience and prosperity of the Pacific people. The first United Nations Food…

Hot Off the Press: Food Systems in the Pacific

A bumper issue of the Pacific Community recently released publications list includes several publications related to food systems and diet in the Pacific.
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