Stat of the week: Households in Wallis and Futuna were made up of an average of 3.3 people in 2018

Households in Wallis and Futuna were made up of an average of 3.3 people in 2018 (Population and Housing Census)  

The Pacific Community to support “Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and Climate Change Training” in Niue

From 15 to 17, the Pacific Community and the Regional Pacific NDC Hub organised a two-day workshop in Niue, entitled “Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and Climate Change Training”. This activity aimed to support Pacific leadership for climate…

Green news: the Pacific Community to support Niue in the development of a nationwide climate change communications strategy

Photo credit: Suhtterstock The Government of Niue continues to progress in its strides to face climate change by taking initial steps to develop a nationwide communications strategy on climate change. Implemented within the framework of its …

Résilience - Les holothuries : un trésor du Pacifique

Dans ce troisième épisode de votre magazine Résilience, partez à la découverte du monde passionnant des holothuries. Trésors du Pacifique, prisées par les marchés asiatiques, les holothuries ont un rôle essentiel dans le fonctionnement du système…

Résilience - Les agriculteurs de la transition agroécologique

Pourquoi planter des arbres permet d’avoir plus d’eau pour les cultures, une climatisation et de l’engrais naturel ?

Stat of the week: Nearly everyone in Tonga is covered by at least a 3G mobile network

Nearly everyone in Tonga is covered by at least a 3G mobile network (99% in 2019). This is a great improvement on the estimated 15% coverage in 2013. Information and communications technology can alleviate the challenges of distance and isolation,…

Résilience - Poum, à la recherche de l'or bleu

  Dans ce premier épisode de votre magazine Résilience, découvrez la commune de Poum et ses habitants qui ont bénéficié d’une campagne visant à déceler d’éventuelles nouvelles ressources en eau souterraine, notamment d’eau potable.

NDC Hub to assist Tonga in promoting national climate plans to the wider public

On the occasion of Tonga National Climate Change Awareness Week 2021, the Regional NDC Hub produced a wide range of communications materials to support the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change,…

What do the statistics tell us about the impacts of the COVID-19 on PICT economies

A new paper by SPC Statistics Advisor-Strategic Planning Monitoring Analysis, Elizabeth Ragimana and SPC Data Analysis and Dissemination Manager, David Abbott reveals how almost eighteen months on since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide,…

World Food Day: Tonga taps tradition and the Pacific’s Tree of Life to feed communities and secure livelihoods

As the global community celebrates World Food Day 2021 on October 16 with the theme of “our actions are our future”, one project in Tonga is ensuring the future of local communities by building on the harvest of traditional food through youth.
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