Stat of the week: In 2019 in Kiribati, 0.6$ per capita per day is spent on cereals and cereals products, and also on fish and fish products

Strengthening Education Research Capacity in the North Pacific

The Pacific Community (SPC) strengthened and equipped education ministries from the region to take ownership of their education projects through a research and policy support workshop in the areas of research planning, Education Management Information…

Advancing Pacific food systems in the face of climate change

Stat of the week: 9 is the number of PICTs with a national statistical plan that is fully funded

9 is the number of PICTs with a national statistical plan that is fully funded. Last week, the 6th Heads of Planning and Statistics (HOPS) provided senior-level strategic oversight, recommendations, and decisions on statistical development for the…

Palau Targets 100% managed ocean space

By Ngewakl Issac Soaladaob, Island Times Amid challenges heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic and discussions about the possibility of opening its marine sanctuary, which currently protects 80% of its waters, the Palau Government unveiled a bold…

Kiribati Gender Statistics Abstract 2020

The Kiribati National Statistics Office through its national stakeholder consultations and the technical support from SPC has produced the Kiribati Gender Statistics Abstract from their Census 2020, a compendium of statistics about girls, boys, women and…

Palau 2023 Gender Factsheet

The Palau gender fact sheet provides a range of indicators based on the last 2020 Palau population census. Analyses were conducted in collaboration with National Statistics Office. Information is included on education and labour market, and the breakdown…

Stat of the week: 6% of people in Kiribati were living below 50% of median income in 2019

6% of people in Kiribati were living below 50 percent of median income in 2019. This indicator is a measure of relative income poverty at the national level. It measures how far individuals are from the median standard of living, approximating a measure…

Pacific Community Results Report 2022

Nauru 2021 population and housing census: Analytical report

The Nauru Bureau of Statistics today released an analytical report on the 2021 Population and Housing Census. It is one of the nation’s most comprehensive sources of population and housing information about Nauru. The report aims to give detailed…
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