Technical training with Palau supports ocean management through defined maritime zones

Palau officials, Mr David Idip and Mr Takamatsu Emesiochel of PALARIS with Malakai Vakautawale, Molly Powers-Tora, and Andrick Lal of SPC  

New Zealand announces 10million in climate financing to secure Pacific food crops for future generations

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced NZ10million in new funding to support the Blue Pacific seed bank and genetic resources at the Pacific Community (SPC) Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT).

Uncovering nature’s potential for managing climate change – a priority in the Pacific Islands

True storehouses of biodiversity, the Pacific Islands are home to a unique natural heritage characterised by some of the world’s highest endemism rates for both flora and fauna. However, this biodiversity is under threat due especially to the growing…

Launching the one-stop-shop for Pacific Data: a blog by Jonathan Kings and Stuart Minchin

Data and statistics about the Pacific are not easy to find unless you know where to look, or they’re your own. Often they can be fragmented, and tangible results from others’ research, projects or development work are hard to compare.
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