A preview for the 14th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women: S03-E04

The 14th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women and the 7th Meeting of Pacific Ministers for Women will be held from 27-29 April and 4 May respectively. Hosted by French Polynesia, this year’s conference and ministers meeting will be delivered via a…

Diversification of media content can break gender stereotypes

A renowned Pacific gender equality champion and Technical Advisor of Shifting the Power Coalition, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, believes that gender equality is about men and women working together and this can be achieved by diversifying media content…

‘Snakes and Ladders’ tool brings home women’s experiences of economic empowerment

Note: This Media Release has been cross-posted from the Pacific Women website.  More than 650 participants registered to join a panel of Pacific speakers today to map women’s empowerment through a ‘Snakes and Ladders’ activity, in the lead up to…

Nadroga Navosa Youth Visualise their Future

85 young leaders representing 22 Tikinas of the Nadroga Navosa Province had the opportunity to collectively discuss their visions and anticipations for the five years ahead. The Pacific Community (SPC) through it’s Human Rights and Social Development (…

Online Workshop to support Pacific Journalists

A series of online trainings to support Pacific media to report on gender equality and the role of women in economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, commenced this week. Supported by the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS), the Pacific…

14th Triennial Conference to highlight and advance women’s role in decision-making processes

Understanding the patriarchal social system is crucial to addressing the need for more women as decision-makers at the community level. 

Youths turn to traditional knowledge to mitigate climate change impacts

The drastic effects of climate change are now felt more aggressively in many provinces in Fiji leading to destruction of agricultural and poultry produce, damages to households and major disruptions in the school timetable for children. These impacts of…

HRSD's Pacific Youth and COVID-19 and Agriculture Policy Briefs in Focus

In the Pacific, youth development is still under-resourced and faces many challenges. To support Pacific Islands and Territories in developing strategies to take on these challenges, the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Human Rights and Social Development…

„We will overcome it“: Experiences of the impact of COVID-19 in Suva, Fiji

This story originally appeared on the Inter Press Service website, it has been republished here with permission. 

 Filling the Gender Gap in the Pacific’s Offshore Fisheries Sector

By: Natalie Makhoul – SPC’s PEUMP Gender and Human Rights Specialist In February, this year, I was invited to participate with other relevant fisheries and gender stakeholders in two consultative workshops organised by World Wildlife Fund for Nature (…
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