Grants available for government, civil society and other gender equality projects

Photo: Crisis centres, women’s groups, civil society and other organisations, such as the Kiribati Women and Children Support Centre, are able to apply for grants being offered for gender equality projects in Pacific countries by the Pacific…

Telephone counselling offers an improved lifeline for women survivors of family violence

Thirty-seven counsellors and safe house service providers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) can now better provide (GBV) telephone counselling services to women and girl survivors of family violence after a week-long skills training on telephone counselling ,…

International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2023

On 7 February 2000, the General Assembly adopted resolution 54/134, officially designating 25 November as the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and in doing so, invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to…

Pacific Way Podcast S04 - E09: 50th Anniversary of the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture - ‘Our future is in our past’

For half a century the Pacific Community has been working in collaboration with pacific islands countries and territories to preserve, protect and promote the regions unique traditions as custodians of the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture or FestPac…

Enhancing Climate Action at COP27

On the road to COP 27... Egypt's COP27 presidency vision is to move from negotiations and planning to implementation. Now is the time for action on the ground. It is therefore incumbent upon us to move rapidly towards full, timely, inclusive, and at-…

"It's like planting a seed"

Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women

Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women, SPC Pacific Women in Energy Conference Suva, Fiji 5 October 2022     Participants of SPC member countries and territories Ms Laura Lochman, Deputy Assistant…

Pacific Women in Energy: Towards an inclusive energy resilient blue Pacific 2022

The Pacific Women in Energy Conference provides for a timely opportunity to reactivate the Pacific Energy and Gender (PEG) Network, a means of sharing of lessons and best practices in harnessing the economic and gender equality benefits that renewable…

Deaf Girls Can Do Anything

International Day of Sign Language important for FWRM Grow.Inspire.Relate.Lead.Succeed - GIRLS programme “Deaf girls can do anything,” signs Vasiti of the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) GIRLS programme.
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