Pacific Health Ministers commit to strengthening health systems to meet current and future health challenges

The original press release was published on WHO website and was reposted here with permission.

Childhood obesity, a major concern in the Pacific

Most behaviours linked to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) begin in early childhood. NCDs, such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer, are the leading cause (75%) of deaths in Pacific Island countries and territories.

Non Communicable Diseases in focus at the 13th Pacific Health Ministers meeting

The Pacific is known for its subsistence living, communal farming practices and self-sufficiency when it comes to fresh farm produce. But the region also has a growing reputation as having one of world’s highest Non-communicable disease (NCDs) rates. For…

Pacific Health Ministers address health consequences of a changing climate

SPC Director General Dr Colin Tukuitonga, French Polynesia’s Minister of Health Dr Jacques Raynal, and WHO Western Pacific Regional Director Dr Takeshi Kasai during discussions at the 13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting.

Minister of Health of French Polynesia presides the Pacific Health Ministers Meeting

(available in French only) Image et Communiqué de la Présidence de la Polynésie Française   Le président de la Polynésie française, Edouard Fritch, a officiellement ouvert, mardi matin à la Présidence, la treizième réunion des ministres de la…

Colin Tukuitonga, Director-General of the Pacific Community, remarks at the 13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting

check against delivery   13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting Remarks by Colin Tukuitonga, Director-General of the Pacific Community (SPC) 07 to 09 August 2019 - Papeete, French Polynesia Ia orana, bonjour and Pacific greetings I would like…

Speech of the President Edouard Fritch, French Polynesia Presidency, Official opening of the 13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting

Speech of the President Edouard Fritch, French Polynesia Presidency Official opening of the 13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting 07 August 2019 - Papeete (French Polynesia) Honourable Regional Director of the World Health Organization, Dear Doctor…

Pacific Health Ministers visit Moorea Hospital and French Polynesia General Hospital

(available in French only) Image et Communiqué de la Présidence de la Polynésie française  

Pacific Health Ministers Meeting

Image:  12th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting - Rarotonga, Cook Island (2017) ​ Health ministers from Pacific island countries and areas will gather in Papeete, French Polynesia for the 13th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting. The biennial…
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