Meet Jérome Aucan, Head of the Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS)

What is PCCOS? Why is ocean science important? What does PCCOS hope to achieve? These are the questions answered by Jerome Aucan, Head of PCCOS.

Ocean Science Fact: 3.7 km its the average ocean depth

Credit: Tracey Jennings / Ocean Image Bank How deep is the ocean? It is hard to imagine but, on average, the Ocean is 3,688 meters deep! There is so much unknown down there! 

A conversation with Elian Bangtor, a Pacific Early Career Ocean Professional from Vanuatu

Photo Credit: Matt Curnock / Ocean Image Bank  

Ocean Science Fact: Half the oxygen you breathe comes from the Ocean

Credit: Kimberly Jeffries / Ocean Image Bank It is estimated that between 50-80% of the oxygen production on Earth comes from the Ocean. Most of it is generated by plankton, algae, drifting plants, and some bacteria.   Know more ocean science…

Vaka Moana - A healthy and resilient Pacific Ocean

​The objective of this event is to showcase the variety of activities that the Pacific (SPC, partners and members) carries out in support of increasing the understanding, protection, and marine ecosystems, such as:

Showcasing Pacific Science on the Global Stage

Photo ©SPC This week the representatives from the Pacific Community (SPC) will join over 5000 ocean specialists from across the globe for the 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Held every 2 years, the gathering is one of the largest and most significant…

Ocean Science Fact: The largest recorded blue whale is 33 meters long

Photo Credit: Jeff Hester / Ocean Image Bank   Our ocean teems with life ranging from the blue whale — the biggest animal on Earth — to tiny microbes. The largest recorded blue whale is 33.58 meters length, the height of an 11-story…

Ocean Science Fact: Did you know that a tsunami can travel at the speed of an airliner?

Because of the physics that governs the propagation of water waves, the speed of a tsunami depends only on the water depth. In the Pacific Ocean where the average depth is 4500 m, the speed of a tsunami is 750 km/h.  In comparison, large ocean…

Ocean Science Fact: The Pacific is 5.5 times wider than the moon!

The Pacific Ocean is more than 19,000 km wide while our beloved natural satellite is ‘just’ about 3,400 km wide. This is how huge and inspiring our ocean is!  Learn more:   

Ocean Science Fact: Climate change = Ocean change

  The dark blue ocean absorbs up to 93% of the excess heat caused by climate change, protecting us from the worst impacts. The ocean regulates the climate and weather, and the Pacific, as the biggest ocean on earth, is a climate engine.
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