Securing Nauru's water lifeline for the most vulnerable people

Palau students address plastic pollution in the marine environment

Healthy marine ecosystems have the capacity to adapt to climate change. Today, plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to the health of our ocean worldwide. At least 14 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year. This affects…

Planning Fiji's Climate Resilient Infrastrucuture: Retrofit or Relocate

Fiji, like many island countries in the Pacific, is susceptible to extreme weather events which are worsened by climate change. The frequency and intensity of cyclones, floods and droughts are changing and together with rising sea-levels represent an…

Building Community Resilience through an Integrated Watershed Management Plan

The Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Scaling up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) is about scaling up climate change adaptation measures in specific sectors supported by knowledge management and capacity building.

Sharing the same mindset – Keeping the environment clean

The Republic of Palau is famous for its beautiful Rock Islands and diverse underwater seascape which attracts many tourists. But like many tropical islands, diseases carried by mosquitoes and other insects affect the community causing malaria, dengue…

Palau and Tonga win prestigious Energy Globe Award

The Pacific Community’s Global Climate Change Alliance: Pacific Small Island States (GCCA: PSIS),  funded by the European Union (EU) was the proud recipient of the 2019 Energy Globe Award, recognised for its outstanding work and contribution towards…

Global Climate Change Alliance Plus - Scaling up Pacific Adaptation project holds initial meeting in Fiji

Charlotte Pihigia of Niue during one of the group discussions at the meeting   Delegates from ten Pacific Island countries are gathering in Suva, Fiji this week for the inception and planning meeting of the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus -…

Small-pond tilapia aquaculture and aquaponics featured at Global Climate Change Alliance meeting

Small-pond aquaculture and aquaponics with tilapia fish was showcased within a climate change context at the “Market Place” session of the Global Climate Change Alliance project inception meeting on Scaling Up Pacific Adaptation GCCA+SUPA in Suva this…
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