Norway fisheries and aquaculture scientists visit the Pacific to explore scientific collaboration possibilities

The Pacific Community (SPC) is hosting a delegation of Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture scientists and marine resources managers to scope out ways of sharing Norway’s extensive experience and marine capabilities with the Pacific region. The team was…

Introductory address at the 11th Heads of Fisheries Meeting by Cameron Diver, Deputy Director-General of the Pacific Community (SPC)

11th Heads of Fisheries Meeting   Introductory address Cameron Diver, Deputy Director-General of the Pacific Community (SPC) Noumea, New Caledonia, 11 March 2019 Kia ora tātau. E ngā mana, E ngā reo, E rau Rangatira mā, Ngā mihi nui kia koutou…

Small-pond tilapia aquaculture and aquaponics featured at Global Climate Change Alliance meeting

Small-pond aquaculture and aquaponics with tilapia fish was showcased within a climate change context at the “Market Place” session of the Global Climate Change Alliance project inception meeting on Scaling Up Pacific Adaptation GCCA+SUPA in Suva this…

What do tuna eat?

A young intern female scientist from New Caledonia, Pauline Machful, spent six month at the Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystem (FAME) Division and the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (CCES) Programme of the Pacific Community…

New course on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture Compliance takes off!

Vessel inspection in Suva. (image: Ariella D’Andrea, SPC)  

My experience as a Pacific Islander Junior Professional with the Pacific Community

Sylvester showing classic catwalk style while ‘modelling’ a new fisheries offic
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